[revolvingdork] etched his Eeepc with the entire level map of Super Mario Land for Game boy. He set the laser to 70% speed and 40% power to get it to turn out this way. This is a far safer way of expressing your self and playing with laser etching than tattooing yourself with the laser.
Mario Etching
13 thoughts on “Mario Etching”
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opened it up on my eee 1000h and ever more jealous
thats pretty nice, and i still laugh at the video of the laser tattoos
wicked tattoo!
Wow. That’s sick nasty!
I’m playing that right now on my Dell Mini 9!
Man I love that title.
Great stuff! Nice choice!
Pretty cool, yet you should have used SMB3 levels…. then you could throw the N card maps on there.. that would be ill
It may be a safer way of playing with lasers than the tattoo, but you don’t go into laser-etching-infamy.
wow! i need the source image!!!!
Thanks for the kind words, folks!
m@, you can grab the source image I compiled here: http://hypercombofinish.com/random%20art/eeepc_etching_mario_final_real.png
thank you so much chris
Really cool! It would have been uber-cool if you somehow had branching paths (like from pipes etc) in there too… then again, were they in SML or just SML2? Been a while since I’ve played a Game Boy game.
this is eeepic!
That is pretty. :-D