

Here’s something every office probably needs. Ours does at least. It’s a WTF counter. When the office gets just a little too weird, someone hits the button and it gets logged. It’s probably pretty easy to judge the day by the WTF chart. The button is connected to an Arduino that updates the status on a local web server. We can imagine a nice bar graph of WTFs per day, or possibly a pie chart with normal time vs WTF time. Unfortunately, imagining is all we’re going to do. They didn’t include any examples of the visualizations. Can you imagine saying something to a co worker just for them to promptly march over and slap the WTF button? Maybe we don’t need one.

25 thoughts on “WTF-O-meter

  1. @zed, yeah, I think that’s the better option. Instead of having one WTF per office, there should be one per desk (best with some kind of warning lamp, to indicate a colleague in WTF-mode, so you better not come near them and ask more stupid questions).
    And you could do nice stats about WTF distribution among people…

  2. Pretty much everybody who knows me would say I need one. Or, rather, I need one for everyone around me. I seem to be the epicenter for many “wtf” moments, something I take as a matter of pride.

  3. There should be one of these at every desk/seat in congress so instead of voting “nay” you would slap the wtf button to point out the stupidity of whatever you are voting against.

  4. Hmmm, maybe have it also log the network traffic and other information (moon phases, sun spot activity, humidity, etc) you could possibly track what causes most of the WTF alerts.

  5. This type of device would be better left on the PC (assuming everyone has access to one) That way you have to make a conscience decision to make such a claim.

    Also: I was in jail once (or should I say this one time I was in jail) and they had these buttons around the gen pop for indoor officers to hit in case of emergency. That button got bumped into and hit on accident more often than it’s intended use.
    Since then I was in jail and they now have a cover over it. It can still be used for it’s purpose but you have to make a conscience decision now.

  6. Why would a WTF button widget (for example) cause people to think more than a physical button?

    Have you read many internet forums? No one thinks before posting thier comments, and they have to navigate to a page, log in, type their thought, and submit it.

  7. well I guess it could be attached to the bosses face. this would alleviate a whole lot of trouble with data and extrapolation and yet still manage to get the message across.

  8. Heh. I considered building a bullshit detector like this about a year back using a microphone, PIC, and a large old analog temp gauge (nearly 10″ wide). Integrate the average sound intensity after being triggered and then sound an alarm / flash lights after a pre-determined time and/or change in volume level/intensity while the meter indicates the ‘depth’ of BS.

  9. …also wire it to a “aaaaoooooooooogggaaaa” horn or a klaxon…or a Star Trek Computer voice: “warning: brain farts has exceeded maximum tolerance, implosion inevitable, self-destruct in 5 minutes, evacuate to nearest bar!!”…, i need some sleep

  10. Out of curiosity, is it measuring air pressure through a hose? (thats what it looks like) and if so, can it tell the difference between how hard it is hit? Cuase really, that would be some useful data to track.

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