We really love this version of super mario brothers that [Brad] is putting together. It is played on an 8×8 RGB LED screen, powered by a pic microprocessor. There aren’t many details on the construction or code yet, but we expect he’ll publish it soon. We’re guessing it is very similar to his other 8×8 game system. If you really want to get a jump start, he has published some great tutorials on working with pic microprocessors.
[via instructables]
PIC != Arduino…
I’m just sayin…
@Daley Who said it was?
Also, this is a pretty sweet project
Great idea
LOL – just makin the comment that most of the stuff on here is Arduino-based… not that I’m against it – I love mine, but I figured I’d beat everyone else to the punch by throwing in the typical “it’s not an arduino!” comments.
that is one nice(pixilated) game :) me likes
Ok this is cute… Gotta love something other than pong on these things.
— I figured I’d beat everyone else to the punch by throwing in the typical “it’s not an arduino!” —
I am sure that won’t stop people from complaining- after all it’s a microcontroller and not a wired mess of 74xx gates. Yikes!
Nice work, and looks surprisingly playable for such a low-resolution display. At least it’s not affected by magnets, as the TV at the start appears to have been… ;-)
That video ended perfectly.
seems like what SMB would look like if you were incredibly tipsy and broke out the NES
It’s pretty amazing how simple the mechanics to SMB end up being. Awesome work!
An interesting bit of software… But why do it on a custom undocumented(?) “LEDBoy” when you could do it on a Meggy Jr (http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/meggyjr) and share the software with hundreds of other people who have the same hardware?
that was bad ass!
Don’t worry, I have a Meggy Jr. version that is almost complete and will be published.
That’s pretty cool.
I love to see something more advanced than pong or centipede. I wonder if he’ll include world -1 for old times sake.
Thanks for those comments everyone.
I apologise for the lack of documentation for the LEDBOY. I do plan on publishing everything that you need to know on instructables.com and my website over the Christmas break.
Coding has basically come to a stop with this game due to alot of work needing to be done around the house and the arrival of our second child.
I do however plan on completing this game with all thirty something levels, special items and bad guys. I will release the code, schematics, parts list etc… so that anyone else can feel free to build their own.
I am interested in the Meggy Jr. version that Sean mentioned – is there a link I can check out for this version?
Could it be made with a 16×16 matrix and smaller leds?
I don’t have anything online yet since the software isn’t complete yet. I’ve got the general environment, physics, and enemies done, but right now I’m deciding how to do the levels.
Right now I’m leaning towards randomly generated levels so it won’t be a true port in the fashion that yours is, but if you want I can send you some rough, ugly, and uncommented code to look at.