Robo Rainbow Graffiti Machine

[mudlevel] built this rainbow graffiti producing robot for an art exhibit in San Diego. While there are no build details we can easily pick this apart from the pictures. Looks like the brains are an arduino, the drive is a power drill with the trigger removed, and a few other servos for firing the spray cans.  The counter weighted arm for creating the rainbow was a pretty good idea too. Watching this, we had an idea for a super simple purely mechanical way to do this that would be similar to a catapult.  You could use the motion of the trailer to “wind up” the counter balance with a simple ratcheting spool of string attached to the axle. Engage your spray cans and let the balance drop and you’re done.  Pedal on to re-wind the counterbalance for another rainbow.

22 thoughts on “Robo Rainbow Graffiti Machine

  1. Darn. Now I can only hope noone steals my awesome idea of putting spraycans on a quadrocopters and use it to paint impossible spots!!111

    (no really that would be awesome. though it would need awesome precision)

  2. From the touched-up look of that wall, it’s evident the owner has removed graffiti before, which says to me that such “improvements” are definitely unwanted.

    You want to add your art to a building? Ask first.

  3. Grow up dext3r, walt and see it for what it is.

    Would it be any different if it were a cool machine for painting logos on the bonnet of your car? No – same damage, same costs, only to you so it would (probably, if you’re vaguely normal) be unacceptable and you’d report the crime.

    Stupidity, and stupidity of HaD’s part for publishing it, but they have every right to do so, just as I’ve every right to point out the stupidity of it.

  4. this is amazing. It seems like he left a bit of room for expansion, but this was a very well-thought out and well-executed idea.

    I understand that many people consider graffiti vandalism, but I personally think it purely depends on the situation. Obviously, defacing any property so it is unusable or an immediate inconvenience to somebody is vandalism. But the idea of placing artwork on abandoned buildings and the such intrigues me, and depending on the trouble involved for the opposing party it can be completely appropriate.

    just my two cents.

  5. This is quite possibly the most pointless project I have ever seen.

    I second what Davo said, some freaking duct tape, string and a pole is replaced by this absolutely obscene waste of time. I wish my time was as worthless as this guys time, it must be nice.

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