Ossmann Talks About Ubertooth At Schmoocon

[Michael Ossmann’s] talk from Schmoocon about his open source Bluetooth test tool called Ubertooth is now available to watch online. The video really fills in the gaps from the first time we looked at the project, as he covers why he took on the challenge, and what has happened since. He talks about how his work with the IM-ME helped in choosing hardware along the way, and the choices he made while developing the USB dongle. His hardware considerations included parts that didn’t require a nondisclosure agreement (keeping it open source) and that were available in single quantities so that individuals could build and populate their own boards quite easily.

We’ve embedded the talk after the break. The project is coming along great, and his Kickstart funds have almost doubled the original goal.


9 thoughts on “Ossmann Talks About Ubertooth At Schmoocon

  1. Travis’s technique is brilliant and quite useful, but it does not have as high a probability of success as the Ubertooth method. He and/or I will likely post more about this in the near future, but the short answer is: you could design an Ubertooth-like board using his technique at maybe 30% cost reduction, but it would likely lose more than 30% effectiveness.

  2. Hi Michael,

    I see there being a huge advantage of using a arm processor on board, that will allow for some interesting features in the future.

    Any thoughts on the future of SDR (software defined radios) in this new micro format?

    Btw- Great presentation, I was able to watch it streaming as it happened.

  3. Thanks, uC! I definitely see SDR taking off in embedded systems in the not too distant future. The Cortex-M3 I’m using in Project Ubertooth is still a bit lightweight for such things (and I’m not doing SDR in Ubertooth), but the Cortex-M4 will be much better for SDR. Then there are the multi-core ARMs coming out and various small programmable logic devices. . . The door is wide open! I’m still working on a low-cost microcontroller-based software radio peripheral, but it probably won’t be quite as low cost as Ubertooth One.

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