[Jorge]’s son was born in 2004 after a troubling time in the womb. The son, [Ivo], wasn’t getting enough oxygen and unfortunately developed cerebral palsy. [Jorge] took it upon himself to improve his son’s life, so he got busy building some machinery for physical therapy. Today, [Ivo] is able to walk very well without the need for braces or other aids.
[Ivo] has a form of CP called Spastic quadriplegia. With [Ivo]’s disorder, his skeletal muscles are always tight meaning he’s nearly unable to walk. This can be treated with muscle relaxants such as Botox (yes, that Botox), but [Jorge] wanted to help out with his son’s physical therapy.
[Jorge] began preparing for [Ivo]’s physical therapy by building a “tripod” for him. This allows [Ivo] to stand while taking part in physical activities like ping-pong and golf. The second phase of the training was a modification to a cross-country skiing/elliptical trainer that allowed [Ivo] to practice walking. Today, [Ivo] is happily walking very well, a testament to his dad’s wishes that he has somewhat normal life. Some aluminum tubing helped, but we’re pinning this one on his dad.
Jorge, you are an awesome father and I respect you for this man. I know a life with CP would be hard and you really changed your sons life for the better.
I second this comment, Jorge you are the perfect example of a father. Bravo :)
Agreed. Every kid would be lucky to have a father like him.
! third this comment, awesome work.
Can’t Hide here :)
Agreed! Incredible!
Best dad ever.
Still needs some lasers though.
Yep he needs to install a laser on his sons head! :) Nah, seriously this guy is an awsome dad, not all dads can do this for there kids but I’m sure they wish they could, this boy is lucky his father can.
I’d settle for LEDs and an Arduino
Great stuff Jorge!
Hat’s off.
Pretty cool. Most fathers love their kids, but most don’t do stuff like this. This is great.
If I had kids, I’d be more into learning stuff.
Title doesn’t do justice to this story.
I agree. If you’ve got a suggestion, I’ll gladly change it…
How about “Dad hacks his son’s limitations” or “Dad hacks his son’s physical limitations”?
Dad’s hack helps son walk? “Dad hacks his son” can sound like he went after him with a hatchet. Even despite that fact that we know thats not the intended meaning at all.
agree.. better title would be
Dad’s hack helps son walk
Agreed. “Hacks his son” is a little dehumanizing. (Though I’m sure that wasn’t the intent) M Agg’s title is much better.
Dad hacks Cerebral Palsy, upgrades son’s lifestyle.
+20 to Faith in Humanity
Thanks Jorge
This is the most beautiful hack I’ve seen to date. The science, the determination and commitment, the humanity and most importantly the result. By far the best example of parenting I have ever seen.
I have a friend whos lad has CP though not as bad. I take my hat off to this father
Jorge – Father of the Decade
Wish there were more like him!
Well done, Jorge
remainds me of and old sony form a few years back
Teddy bear
Wow! Outstanding! ^_^
I cant speck about botox but weed seems to relax my muscles
There are certain issues with giving weed to a small child.
I don’t know if this guy is the best dad ever, but he is certainly in the running.
When I read the headline, it sounded downright monsterous…I was thinking that he installed laser beam eyes or something.
if my dad had installed a lazer beem in my eye or given me a robotic arm like robocop I’d have been very happy and he would have won bed dad award.
So inspirational.
lets break out the maker bots and laser cutters and make this guy a friggen metal!
im serious!
Amazing, If only every father cared so deeply for his children. This guy deserves a place in the hall of fame!
Epic dad is so totally absolutely fucking epic.
i recently had a scare with my unborn child and everything turned out fine, but this touches me.
Nice video on BBC on this story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-15695991
This is your story of the year. Thank you.
Someone needs to nominate this guy for a research grant, he needs proper funding and recognition for his work.
This story really hits home. I have a 13 month old son with Down Syndrome. Part of his therapy has been on a motorized treadmill that I made for him from a manual treadmill, a drill and a foot pedal. He’s been doing great with it and will hopefully be walking within a few month. I don’t see many other people out there doing stuff like this but I would love to see more. (I hope to put mine up on instructables soon too)
I like this machine that Jorge has developed and I hope that he gets funding and starts making more. I especially like the way it encourages the child to develop appropriate foot movement for walking. Most CP kids tend to “toe walk” which is not conducive to developing a good gait. Right now most CP children are trained with braces and Rifton Gait Trainers (I think these were developed by the Amish). I think that using both systems would be helpful for students with CP. Wish that there was more money available to worthwhile start up companies like Jorge’s.
Hats off sir.
You’re really inspiring.
This wakes the ‘good’ side in anyone.
This is epic! As someone who has grown up with CP, I admire this guy and what he has accomplished for his son and allowed his son to accomplish. Hats off and greatest respects to you.
Also, I find the community reaction amazing and wonderful as well. I agree with a previous poster, definite boost to faith in humanity.
Great reading all these parents using technology and hacking to better the lives of their offspring.
Really brings a tear to my eyes to see your kid play golf Jorge. I know building this is worth every second, keep up the good work.
It is not “hack a day” but “hack a life” !
In this link has video in portuguese of the “hack” made by Jorge