DMG Lib: Digital Mechanism And Gear Library

Reader, [klemens], suggested DMG Lib to us when we posted about a similar site. DMG-Lib is an amazing source of information. It’s primary downside is that a great portion of the text is in a language other than English, though in some ways this is a plus. Latin, Italian, German, and many other languages held the position of being the chief scientific language of the world long before English, and this repository holds entire books about mechanisms in those languages. Some of the books range all the way back to the 1500s. The mechanism animations are very good on this site and play smoothly. While it’s a little harder to search than KMODDL due to the language oddities, it’s still an extremely useful and interesting site to add to the hacker’s information toolbox.

9 thoughts on “DMG Lib: Digital Mechanism And Gear Library

    1. if your going to blame java for you getting a trojan you may as well not sit in front of your monitir you could get cancer

      responeible informed use is just fine

      and java is so prolific not sure you can call it bloat ware I know java may not be the most efficent
      but it is everywhere

      1. Everywhere? Really? That’s news to me, I’ve not had it installed at all in YEARS and I’ve not once missed it. This is the first time in who-knows-how-many-years I stumble upon it and I do browse around quite a lot. In fact the last time I remember certainly using it is way back in 2004-ish when every chat used it.

        Wether it’s worth the 86MB download (default-jre in Ubuntu) just to see the animations is your call, but as far as I’m concerned Java these days is bloatware.

        And these guys just seem to be Java-heads, website is .jsp

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