Goodbye Hackaday, I’ll Miss You.

Farewell Hackaday, the time has come for me to move on. Don’t worry, hackaday will keep going, just like it did when [Eliot] moved on, and [Phil] before him.

I wrote my first post on July 9th, 2008. Since then I’ve had so much fun, and written a total of 1,552 posts (including this one). In my opinion, there is simply no other site like, our readers are passionate and knowledgeable and it shows, even if some of you are incredibly rude to each other(that’s a sign of passion right?).

While some projects stand out in my mind, it is the people I have enjoyed the most. The people I met when I went to all the different hackerspaces, my co-writers[Mike Szczys] and[Brian Benchoff], past hackaday employees, our commenters,  and even my boss [Jason Calacanis].

If you want to find me, I’ll be at or on facebook or G+. I have a twitter too, that I guess I’ll start using today.

Join me after the break just one more time while a take a trip down memory lane with a few of my favorite moments from the last few years.  Oh, and yes, I think saying “after the break” is stupid. What else do you say though?

I built some really fun things.

and some things I feel I can be proud of

This controller didn’t help [Thomas] that much, but it gave me the idea for which I’m proud to say has already begun helping people.

I drove almost all the way across the country visiting hackerspaces.


I can’t describe how amazing this was for me. I met people from Arizona all the way to South Carolina. I saw hackerspaces that were 110 degrees inside and hackerspaces that were old masonic temples. The people I met were always enthusiastic, helpful and pleasant.

I jammed stuff up my nose for April fools


I made this thing a long time ago and was waiting for a reason to do something ridiculous.  I thought it was a great chance to make fun of the kickstarter emails we get all the time. Yes, I did actually shove that thing into my nasal passage.The links actually went to my personal paypal account too.   I think I actually got about $3 in donations off that form!

I got tazed.

We thought maybe you guys would like some coverage of the Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas back in January of 2010. Turns out we didn’t see a whole lot there that we thought you’d be interested in. I stepped up to the plate to take the blame and the punishment.

I had a bunch of other posts in mind, but as I started adding I couldn’t stop. Maybe I should just leave it here.

I’d like to thank the readers again. If it weren’t for your projects happening in your homes, businesses, and hackerspaces, this site wouldn’t exist. You guys are freaking awesome.

139 thoughts on “Goodbye Hackaday, I’ll Miss You.

  1. What..??!?!! will hackaday continue on? where will I get my fix.?? This is such a unique place and it has been… well pretty damn ideal in a lot of ways. I liked you Caleb and I’m not ready for change. Nope. You can’t leave. Sorry.

  2. “Oh, and yes, I think saying “after the break” is stupid.” Then why did you keep writing that, especially when there rarely, if ever, was anything after the ‘break’?

  3. Hey there Caleb.. Not sure why you decided to leave, but wanted to tell you personally.. LONG time reader, rarely post. REALLY enjoyed your articles and stuff ya covered/built. Going to really miss ya, HaD will go on, but it won’t be quite the same without ya! Good luck in your endeavors@

  4. So long Caleb. We will miss hackaday. A lot.
    Huge thanks for all the hours spend here and all the things learned.
    Best wishes and will see you in

    Already miss you. :D

  5. Caleb my man you will be missed big time! I have always looked forward to reading your posts/articles (whatever) and I value your opinion very much. You will remain an icon among us in the hacker community and will never be forgotten, sorry I’m trying not to write this like a eulogy lol! I know you will be back here from time to time. You have made your mark on H-a-D-onites and we are forever grateful! YOU ARE THE MAN CALEB AND DON’T LET nTELL YOU DIFFERENT! (Can I ask what the reasoning is for you leaving the site? or is it personal?) either way I wish you all the best in your future endeavors my friend. Keep in touch with us here at HaD!

  6. Best of luck in your future endeavors and pursuits… and thank you so very much for all you brought to Hackaday… for a while there it looked like it was grinding to a halt (I go back nearly to the beginning), but then it rallied and your tireless contributions were a big part of that. Thank you, thank you, thank you! See you in the funny pages!

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