Over the course of a few weeks, [Adam] trained his betta fish, [Jose], to jump out of the water to snatch food off his finger. An impressive display for a fish, but being able to train his small aquatic friend got [Adam] thinking. What’s stopping [Jose] from interacting his environment even more? The abovemarine was born.
The abovemarine is a robotic platform specifically built for [Jose]’s aquarium. Below, three omni wheels drive the entire aquarium in any direction. A computer running OpenCV, a webcam, and a few motors directs the abovemarine in whatever direction [Jose] wants to go. Yes, it’s a vehicle for a fish, and that’s awesome.
[Adam] put a lot of work into the creation of the abovemarine, and was eventually able to teach [Jose] how to control his new home. In the videos below, you can see [Jose] roaming the studio and rolling towards the prospect of food.
Because [Jose] is a Siamese fighting fish and extremely territorial when he sees other males of his species, this brings up the idea of a version of Battlebots with several abovemarines. They’re in different tanks, so we don’t know what PETA would think of that, but we do expect it to show up in the Hackaday tip line eventually.
That’s the scariest thing I have seen, ever! :O
Omni wheels… Mecanum wheels have their rollers at an angle to the wheel. Typically 45 degrees. Mecanums are commonly used in sets of 4 as it makes them fairly easy to adapt to a simple 4wd chassis.
That’s adorable. I love how it rams the dog.
What I really wanted to see was a beta fish that jumps out of the water to snatch food off his finger… (which I don’t think is true)
Betta fish are known jumpers, to the extent that some people recommend keeping a cover over the fish tank to prevent them from jumping completely out of the tank.
The camera guy is named
It is most likely true. I trained me Betta fish to snatch little bits of food off my finger held up to 1.5cm above the water surface, Sadly, one day he jumped out of the tank and died before we could get to him.
I for one welcome our new fishy overlords.
All Heil the Scale
Cool project, weird name. I would have expected something like rolling water or like the gill mobile.
Abovemarine? As in the opposite of Submarine? I like it. Better than “Reverse Scuba Suit”.
The question is, if you’re making your name a play on “submarine”, why not “supermarine” rather than this awkward, Englatin Frankenstein’s monster “abovemarine”?
Because then it would be a builder of british aircraft
I agree, supermarine would have been more logical
Reminds me of the fish on wheels by studio diip:
The appropriate and awesome name would be a supermarine, to compare and contrast to a submarine.
This is what I thought too.
The name “supermarine” is taken by the Supermarine Spitfire. If he’d used that name there’d be a zillion comments bitching that they came in expecting an airplane and were disappointed.
obviously the next step is to develop a drone with an onboard aquarium and let the fish fly. then it could be called Supermarine. I don’t recommend equipping it with armaments, however.
Two fish are in a tank. One looks to the other and says, “Who’s driving this thing?”
Took me a second but then I laughed really hard.
“… we don’t know what PETA would think of that, but we do expect it to show up in the Hackaday tip line eventually.”
Betas are too small a snack for People Eating Tasty Animals:
These acronym-benders are why I switched to “People against the Unethical Treatment of Animals”. As a bonus they don’t toss the excess of cute saved puppies into the next landfill, very much unlike *some* other more-known organizations.
PUTA? Funny! The undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens) around here would grievously harm you if you said they were “PUTA” (i.e. Mexican slang for “prostitute”).
Thanks C3PO
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Surely it should just be called a Fish Tank? Awesome project though!
Only if it had a turret.
That’ll be in the final release.. this one is just a betta.
Oh, Cod – fish puns.
And thus the Daleks, Enemies of the Time Lords and all other life in the universe, were born.
Pleasant combinations! We have been anticipating about you.
Do you like parties? We do several times, and so much the better.
So much juicy! Let’s have party time sooner.
You left out the following all-important on-topic “fish training” from your ORZ quotes:
So much juicy! Let’s have party time sooner.
Extra sick fish need special training for extra fun.
We will have a happy party now.
Attach a cannon to it and you have a “fish tank”
Now you just need to add a Nintendo Gameboy so the fish can play pokemon.
Betta fish can drive! Next step place them in cars, Volkswagens, and call them Betta Jettas and see who pays to take a ride. Take THAT Lyft and Uber!
Next step, Reverse SCUBA Suit
Two thoughts:
1) That poor fish is going to get car sick.
2) Can you make one for my house? Perhaps my rolling around in bed could drive the house to the grocery store or work or where ever…
Unlikely the fish has ANY idea of cause and effect – could have saved some time and instead of the fish recognition camera just put a random direction instruction in the software.
I dunno, when it moves towards his finger it seems to be responding to outside stimuli.
Of course, we dont know how much editing or takes it took.
But at face value Id say the fish is at the very least responding to the movement.
Next step I guess is try to have a “feeding area” and see if it can be trained to move to it.
I don’t care what you call it. It’s still too freakin’ cool for words.
“Hello, 911, my fish ran away!”, “Call back when your sober, jerk!” And poor Jose was never seen again.
Dr. Ghoti
Presumably there’s some software in there which detects when the fish is floating upside down on the surface and drives the tank over to the trashcan.
I would have called it an ubermarine