What’s In A Name?

Take thirty seconds out of your day and try to make fun of the last name of the person who wrote this post. Go ahead, it’s okay. You probably won’t need more than ten seconds to come up with something that uses the same first, middle, and last letter. While nothing can be done to prevent last name-based harassment in the schoolyard, first names are another matter. [Ranthalion] recently dined with friends who are expecting twins and have yet to decide on names for them. It’s difficult enough to name one child, and we can imagine ourselves spending an entire day or two getting funny name pairs for twins out of our systems (Flora and Fauna, Scylla and Charybdis, &c). With the baby shower two weeks away, [Ranthalion] had to act fast in creating his Baby Namer.

It needed to be something he could make relatively cheaply with parts on hand. Although he made a prototype with an Arduino, he wasn’t about to just give one away. [Ranthalion]’s Baby Namer uses two arrays, one with awesome names like, well, Sharktooth Chompenstein, and one with regular names from census data such as Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice. Things got a bit hairy with the volume of names he got from census data and he learned the value of PROGMEM for storing things.

On startup, it displays four names from the Awesome pile as a gag and then pulls from the Ho-Hum group. However, each time it pulls a regular name, there’s a 25% chance that part of an Awesome name will be included. Get thee to the gits and have a laugh at other names on the Awesome list.

37 thoughts on “What’s In A Name?

  1. Errr that colour thing messed it up .Here is the clear one
    #define AWESOME_NAME_LENGTH 108
    #define NAMES_LENGTH 574

    LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
    const int buttonPin = 1;
    int ctr;
    int buttonState = 1;
    char firstName[17];
    char lastName[17];
    char name[34];

    void setup() {
    pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
    ctr = 0;

    lcd.begin(16, 2);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print(” Initializing”);
    Serial.println(” Initializing”);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print(” Imagination”);
    Serial.println(” Imagination”);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
    lcd.print(“Press the button”);
    Serial.println(“Press the button to find a name.Not needed here “);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print(” to find a name. “);

    randomSeed(random(0,1000) * analogRead(0));

    void loop() {
    /*Need to add Virginia Creeper, Tawny Frogmouth, Blewit, Compressed Flapwort, Screaming Hairyarmadillo, Cheese Weed, Dragon Hunter, Hell Bender, Bat Falcon, Centauri, Mother OfThousands*/
    FLASH_STRING_ARRAY(awesomeNames, PSTR(“Moon Unit”),PSTR(“Dweezel G”),
    PSTR(“Gloves Ofmetal”), PSTR(“Airwrecka Brie”), PSTR(“Barenuckle GorillaPunch”), PSTR(“L’monjello powder”), PSTR(“Mustafa Wolfgang”), PSTR(“Wolfgang Maximus “), PSTR(“Yngwie Malmsteen”), PSTR(“Roscoe Toboscoe”), PSTR(“Arnold Schwarzenegger”),
    PSTR(“Neia Bobilla”), PSTR(“Skunk Ahdjunk”), PSTR(“T’varisuness King”), PSTR(“Tyroil Smoochie-Wallace”), PSTR(“D’Squarius Green”), PSTR(“Jackmerius Tacktheritrix”), PSTR(“Shaft Undertaker”), PSTR(“Davoin Shower-Handel”),
    PSTR(“Hingle McCringleberry”), PSTR(“L’Carpetron Dookmarriot”), PSTR(“J’Dinkalage Morgoone”), PSTR(“Saggitariutt Jefferspin”), PSTR(“D’Glester Hardunkichud”), PSTR(“Swirvithan L’Goodling-Splat”), PSTR(“Quatro Quatro”),
    PSTR(“Ozamataz Buckshank”), PSTR(“Beezer Washingbeard”), PSTR(“Sequester Grundelplith”), PSTR(“Velociraptor Maloish”), PSTR(“Donkey Teeth”), PSTR(“Bon’quisha Barbisha”), PSTR(“Black Dynamite”), PSTR(“Brikwilla Shorilla”),
    PSTR(“Charro Chevelle”), PSTR(“Lester Wigeon”), PSTR(“Gabriel O’hannan”), PSTR(“Shirwode Paris”), PSTR(“McArthur Scurlock”), PSTR(“Meriwether Huleatt”), PSTR(“Algernon Bolan”), PSTR(“Lazuli Oddlin”), PSTR(“Horace Ra”), PSTR(“Sterling Wheelagan”),
    PSTR(“Maximillian Chamberlin”), PSTR(“Sharktooth Chompenstein”), PSTR(“Linus Magnus”), PSTR(“Declan Broderick”), PSTR(“Farringdon Goldenplover”), PSTR(“Kipling Wellington”), PSTR(“Thor Gunner”), PSTR(“Aegus Banyu”), PSTR(“Ovond Dalumma”),
    PSTR(“Haala Naljak”), PSTR(“Kilni Barmalk”), PSTR(“Vulcan Firepants”), PSTR(“Perseus Draco”), PSTR(“Calypso Achilles”), PSTR(“Draker Finn”), PSTR(“Poseidon Kronus”), PSTR(“Bacchus Provan”), PSTR(“Santiago Persulfate”), PSTR(“Electra Bunny”),
    PSTR(“Thesius Glutimus”), PSTR(“Dee-ann Decadence”), PSTR(“Panther Lewis”), PSTR(“Rex Yokar”), PSTR(“Vehement Chaos”), PSTR(“Flesh Sphere”), PSTR(“Vengeful Terror”), PSTR(“Haunted Throne”), PSTR(“Steel Lord”), PSTR(“Nordic Flames”),
    PSTR(“Midwinter Slimecloud”), PSTR(“Striker Onyx”), PSTR(“Stormy Midori”), PSTR(“Iron Carnage”), PSTR(“Holy Slayer”), PSTR(“Astral Oath”), PSTR(“Nuclear Flesh”), PSTR(“Ax Blaze”), PSTR(“Max Power”), PSTR(“Moon java”), PSTR(“Astral Plane”), PSTR(“Balbo Shrooms”),
    PSTR(“Bebo Suncloud”), PSTR(“Clover Deva”), PSTR(“Mary Juwanta”), PSTR(“Moon Moon”), PSTR(“Wolfsong SingingHawk”), PSTR(“Seagull Dream”), PSTR(“Gordon Fisherman”), PSTR(“Doobie Marygold”), PSTR(“Magnolia Sunburst”), PSTR(“Cheeseburger Combo”),
    PSTR(“Bohemian Baybieneim”), PSTR(“Waverly Piper”), PSTR(“Gideon Lawson”), PSTR(“Winter Lark”), PSTR(“Venus Frost”), PSTR(“Hungry Sealion”), PSTR(“Blade Armageddon”), PSTR(“Ronald Reagan”), PSTR(“Tiberius Wreckinball”), PSTR(“Sampson Scarface”),
    PSTR(“Orthidonticus Mouthyface”), PSTR(“Mantis Shrimp”), PSTR(“Hyper Dontia”));
    PSTR(“Aariyah”), PSTR(“Aayana”), PSTR(“Abdulrahim”), PSTR(“Aburrow”), PSTR(“Acelyn”), PSTR(“Adali”), PSTR(“Adamik”), PSTR(“Adewale”), PSTR(“Aerica”), PSTR(“Aily”), PSTR(“Akeel”), PSTR(“Alahna”), PSTR(“Alaila”), PSTR(“Aleitha”), PSTR(“Aleki”), PSTR(“Alekzander”), PSTR(“Alera”), PSTR(“Alexanne”), PSTR(“Algeria”), PSTR(“Algore”), PSTR(“Aliceia”), PSTR(“Alixandra”), PSTR(“Allchorn”), PSTR(“Alsopp”), PSTR(“Alkins”), PSTR(“Amontay”), PSTR(“Amyas”), PSTR(“Anaalicia”), PSTR(“Anara”), PSTR(“Anglie”), PSTR(“Anindita”), PSTR(“Ansett”), PSTR(“Antaniya”), PSTR(“Antuk”), PSTR(“Arbor”), PSTR(“Armatidge”), PSTR(“Arthas”), PSTR(“Ashmi”), PSTR(“Astrid”), PSTR(“Attikus”), PSTR(“Attril”), PSTR(“Attwood”), PSTR(“Aurthur”), PSTR(“Aver”), PSTR(“Avry”), PSTR(“Awty”), PSTR(“Aydelis”), PSTR(“Aydrien”), PSTR(“Ayunna”), PSTR(“Azelin”), PSTR(“Ballingal”), PSTR(“Balmann”), PSTR(“Baretta”), PSTR(“Baudts”), PSTR(“Beese”), PSTR(“Benardette”), PSTR(“Benjeman”), PSTR(“Berlinda”), PSTR(“Besim”), PSTR(“Besset”), PSTR(“Bettyjo”), PSTR(“Bevelyn”), PSTR(“Bezawit”), PSTR(“Bhar”), PSTR(“Bickardike”), PSTR(“Bilsland”), PSTR(“Black”), PSTR(“Boneta”), PSTR(“Boog”), PSTR(“Bouts”), PSTR(“Bradnon”), PSTR(“Braisher”), PSTR(“Branesha”), PSTR(“Bransford”), PSTR(“Breneshia”), PSTR(“Brete”), PSTR(“Brialle”), PSTR(“Briane”), PSTR(“Brimner”), PSTR(“Brindin”), PSTR(“Broedy”), PSTR(“Bronsyn”), PSTR(“Brookeann”), PSTR(“Brunning”), PSTR(“Buchan”), PSTR(“Bulcock”), PSTR(“Burridge”), PSTR(“Callister”), PSTR(“Cambrea”), PSTR(“Cameren”), PSTR(“Careswell”), PSTR(“Cargill”), PSTR(“Castin”), PSTR(“Catherall”), PSTR(“Caughey”), PSTR(“Cavan”), PSTR(“Cessily”), PSTR(“Chakakhan”), PSTR(“Chandal”), PSTR(“Chantol”), PSTR(“Chara”), PSTR(“Chea”), PSTR(“Chejuana”), PSTR(“Chelcee”), PSTR(“Chella”), PSTR(“Cheson”), PSTR(“Chessa”), PSTR(“Chezier”), PSTR(“Chineye”), PSTR(“Christieann”), PSTR(“Chyenne”), PSTR(“Clementel”), PSTR(“Coles”), PSTR(“Condie”), PSTR(“Conita”), PSTR(“Conneely”), PSTR(“Cooney”), PSTR(“Corah”), PSTR(“Cordario”), PSTR(“Cowper”), PSTR(“Creston”), PSTR(“Critoph”), PSTR(“Croutear”), PSTR(“Cunnell”), PSTR(“Cuppleditch”), PSTR(“Cuvley”), PSTR(“Daisye”), PSTR(“Dang”), PSTR(“Daphnie”), PSTR(“De Najera”), PSTR(“Deiondre”), PSTR(“Delacey”), PSTR(“Delise”), PSTR(“Dellenbach”), PSTR(“Demoge”), PSTR(“Dennishia”), PSTR(“Deshanti”), PSTR(“Devendra”), PSTR(“Dewana”), PSTR(“Dewar”), PSTR(“Deyshaun”), PSTR(“Dianca”), PSTR(“Dilen”), PSTR(“Dillet”), PSTR(“Diss”), PSTR(“Diyor”), PSTR(“Dnae”), PSTR(“Dodell”), PSTR(“Dooler”), PSTR(“Dorell”), PSTR(“Dorr”), PSTR(“Dresha”), PSTR(“Duck”), PSTR(“Dugall”), PSTR(“Durden”), PSTR(“Earldene”), PSTR(“Eatock”), PSTR(“Edison”), PSTR(“Edith”), PSTR(“Edvard”), PSTR(“Eiichi”), PSTR(“Eliab”), PSTR(“Elizabete”), PSTR(“Elley”), PSTR(“Elmira”), PSTR(“Elyas”), PSTR(“Elziabeth”), PSTR(“Emari”), PSTR(“Erblin”), PSTR(“Ervey”), PSTR(“Eual”), PSTR(“Evaine”), PSTR(“Evemarie”), PSTR(“Exum”), PSTR(“Farlane”), PSTR(“Farr”), PSTR(“Fasler”), PSTR(“Fautley”), PSTR(“Feeney”), PSTR(“Fish”), PSTR(“Flabio”), PSTR(“Flo”), PSTR(“Flormaria”), PSTR(“Franccesca”), PSTR(“Gaetano”), PSTR(“Gaelan”), PSTR(“Garnall”), PSTR(“Garrigan”), PSTR(“Gavina”), PSTR(“Gaylyn”), PSTR(“Genera”), PSTR(“Gentric”), PSTR(“Geogory”), PSTR(“Giacoppo”), PSTR(“Giannotti”), PSTR(“Gingold”), PSTR(“Goldsmith”), PSTR(“Gostridge”), PSTR(“Gregrey”), PSTR(“Gumery”), PSTR(“Hairo”), PSTR(“Hambright”), PSTR(“Hargis”), PSTR(“Harlynn”), PSTR(“Harrhy”), PSTR(“Haseman”), PSTR(“Hatti”), PSTR(“Haycox”), PSTR(“Heatly”), PSTR(“Hennah”), PSTR(“Hosby”), PSTR(“Hoscar”), PSTR(“Hurich”), PSTR(“Imena”), PSTR(“Indalecio”), PSTR(“Ireal”), PSTR(“Itzik”), PSTR(“Ivagene”), PSTR(“Iyani”), PSTR(“Izuchukwu”), PSTR(“Jabus”), PSTR(“Jackielyn”), PSTR(“Jacqlynn”), PSTR(“Jahn”), PSTR(“Jaileigh”), PSTR(“Jakobey”), PSTR(“Jakobssen”), PSTR(“Jaksen”), PSTR(“Jamelia”), PSTR(“Janelee”), PSTR(“Jannine”), PSTR(“Jaquaisha”), PSTR(“Jarell”), PSTR(“Jasmyne”), PSTR(“Jawon”), PSTR(“Jaymi”), PSTR(“Jazzalynn”), PSTR(“Jeaneth”), PSTR(“Jedrych”), PSTR(“Jeeva”), PSTR(“Jenci”), PSTR(“Jeniene”), PSTR(“Jeniya”), PSTR(“Jeramia”), PSTR(“Jerrina”), PSTR(“Jeune”), PSTR(“Jihan”), PSTR(“Jonquil”), PSTR(“Jonquin”), PSTR(“Josehua”), PSTR(“Josue”), PSTR(“Julis”), PSTR(“Jullie”), PSTR(“Julynn”), PSTR(“Jwuan”), PSTR(“Kable”), PSTR(“Kahlilah”), PSTR(“Kaiana”), PSTR(“Kailea”), PSTR(“Kaine”), PSTR(“Kaisey”), PSTR(“Kalayah”), PSTR(“Kanalu”), PSTR(“Kaname”), PSTR(“Karalyne”), PSTR(“Kawaiola”), PSTR(“Kaydan”), PSTR(“Kayl”), PSTR(“Keddie”), PSTR(“Kehly”), PSTR(“Kelcey”), PSTR(“Kelcy”), PSTR(“Kennham”), PSTR(“Kenyada”), PSTR(“Kenze”), PSTR(“Keppy”), PSTR(“Keriona”), PSTR(“Khalila”), PSTR(“Khandra”), PSTR(“Killian”), PSTR(“Kilolo”), PSTR(“Kio”), PSTR(“Kirklyn”), PSTR(“Kittie”), PSTR(“Kleinpeltz”), PSTR(“Knappen”), PSTR(“Kourtnee”), PSTR(“Krishana”), PSTR(“Kyleemarie”), PSTR(“Kyneisha”), PSTR(“Labadini”), PSTR(“Laborn”), PSTR(“Lachana”), PSTR(“Lacheze”), PSTR(“Lambot”), PSTR(“Lamiya”), PSTR(“Landan”), PSTR(“Laniece”), PSTR(“Laquavia”), PSTR(“Latausha”), PSTR(“Latefia”), PSTR(“Laureat”), PSTR(“Lavale”), PSTR(“Laxe”), PSTR(“Layci”), PSTR(“Le Maitre”), PSTR(“Leatherborrow”), PSTR(“Lenoxx”), PSTR(“Leoler”), PSTR(“Leosha”), PSTR(“Lestat”), PSTR(“Leyonna”), PSTR(“Liah”), PSTR(“Licciardiello”), PSTR(“Lillianrose”), PSTR(“Lissbet”), PSTR(“Livings”), PSTR(“Loc”), PSTR(“Lomaz”), PSTR(“Lon”), PSTR(“Lonza”), PSTR(“Lorilyn”), PSTR(“Lovelady”), PSTR(“Ludell”), PSTR(“Lillette”), PSTR(“Ludwika”), PSTR(“Lui”), PSTR(“Lukovic”), PSTR(“Lundynn”), PSTR(“Lutrecia”), PSTR(“Luzmary”), PSTR(“Lylian”), PSTR(“Mableson”), PSTR(“Mabon”), PSTR(“MacDermott”), PSTR(“MacPhail”), PSTR(“Macauly”), PSTR(“Mahlon”), PSTR(“Mahogony”), PSTR(“Malachai”), PSTR(“Maray”), PSTR(“Margherite”), PSTR(“Margory”), PSTR(“Maricka”), PSTR(“Maris”), PSTR(“Markavius”), PSTR(“Markevius”), PSTR(“Madilyn”), PSTR(“Marreco”), PSTR(“Mayford”), PSTR(“McCorkindale”), PSTR(“McErlaine”), PSTR(“McGonigle”), PSTR(“McNeilley”), PSTR(“McNiven”), PSTR(“Mcauthur”), PSTR(“Mckaylen”), PSTR(“Media”), PSTR(“Meghana”), PSTR(“Menelaws”), PSTR(“Merrington”), PSTR(“Masako”), PSTR(“Miarah”), PSTR(“Michiko”), PSTR(“Miecislaus”), PSTR(“Miere”), PSTR(“Miklos”), PSTR(“Milanie”), PSTR(“Minchell”), PSTR(“Minguet”), PSTR(“Mitzy”), PSTR(“Moena”), PSTR(“Moorhead”), PSTR(“Morcombe”), PSTR(“Morfey”), PSTR(“Muzammil”), PSTR(“Mystik”), PSTR(“Naiyah”), PSTR(“Nanelli”), PSTR(“Natesha”), PSTR(“Naul”), PSTR(“Navayah”), PSTR(“Ncole”), PSTR(“Neem”), PSTR(“Nelvina”), PSTR(“Newgrosh”), PSTR(“Nickita”), PSTR(“Nicteha”), PSTR(“Niema”), PSTR(“Nilah”), PSTR(“Nino”), PSTR(“Noehly”), PSTR(“Norma”), PSTR(“Northa”), PSTR(“Novalee”), PSTR(“Nuvia”), PSTR(“Nyeasia”), PSTR(“Nyjia”), PSTR(“Nyveah”), PSTR(“O’Scandall”), PSTR(“Olivama”), PSTR(“Olumide”), PSTR(“Olla”), PSTR(“Omarri”), PSTR(“Ousbie”), PSTR(“Paizlee”), PSTR(“Pancho”), PSTR(“Pardon”), PSTR(“Pasmore”), PSTR(“Patrell”), PSTR(“Paulla”), PSTR(“Peppin”), PSTR(“Permelia”), PSTR(“Perrycost”), PSTR(“Peteris”), PSTR(“Philander”), PSTR(“Philipp”), PSTR(“Piche”), PSTR(“Pierri”), PSTR(“Pioquinto”), PSTR(“Prandin”), PSTR(“Pucker”), PSTR(“Qualiyah”), PSTR(“Quanesia”), PSTR(“Quanette”), PSTR(“Quanishia”), PSTR(“Quientin”), PSTR(“Quinby”), PSTR(“Quinn”), PSTR(“Quintasha”), PSTR(“Raidel”), PSTR(“Ramas”), PSTR(“Ramsted”), PSTR(“Randall”), PSTR(“Randleson”), PSTR(“Rchel”), PSTR(“Read”), PSTR(“Reg”), PSTR(“Rehan”), PSTR(“Rentilll”), PSTR(“Rhyson”), PSTR(“Richard”), PSTR(“Ridhi”), PSTR(“Rocks”), PSTR(“Roddan”), PSTR(“Rodger”), PSTR(“Roget”), PSTR(“Rohlf”), PSTR(“Rolles”), PSTR(“Rostern”), PSTR(“Roschell”), PSTR(“Rotimi”), PSTR(“Rottery”), PSTR(“Ruot”), PSTR(“Rutvi”), PSTR(“Saamya”), PSTR(“Sacoria”), PSTR(“Safi”), PSTR(“Sakhia”), PSTR(“Sarahjean”), PSTR(“Saraiya”), PSTR(“Saurabh”), PSTR(“Schnell”), PSTR(“Schwandt”), PSTR(“Sclater”), PSTR(“Seally”), PSTR(“Seiry”), PSTR(“Serman”), PSTR(“Sevannah”), PSTR(“Seynabou”), PSTR(“Shad”), PSTR(“Shadeen”), PSTR(“Shaleese”), PSTR(“Shaquan”), PSTR(“Shaquanta”), PSTR(“Shatel”), PSTR(“Shaundale”), PSTR(“Shauntea”), PSTR(“Shawnese”), PSTR(“Shawntane”), PSTR(“Shayanne”), PSTR(“Sherbrooke”), PSTR(“Shermane”), PSTR(“Shouana”), PSTR(“Showen”), PSTR(“Sibbet”), PSTR(“Sigvard”), PSTR(“Silena”), PSTR(“Smorthwaite”), PSTR(“Snellman”), PSTR(“Soffe”), PSTR(“Someeka”), PSTR(“Souza”), PSTR(“Srihan”), PSTR(“Sstephanie”), PSTR(“Staint Aubyn”), PSTR(“Stead”), PSTR(“Stedmond”), PSTR(“Stirgess”), PSTR(“Stokell”), PSTR(“Stollsteiner”), PSTR(“Strelitzer”), PSTR(“Strete”), PSTR(“Strotton”), PSTR(“Stuckey”), PSTR(“Sunday”), PSTR(“Suyai”), PSTR(“Suzane”), PSTR(“Swann”), PSTR(“Syndia”), PSTR(“Tailah”), PSTR(“Taim”), PSTR(“Taiwon”), PSTR(“Tajir”), PSTR(“Takahiro”), PSTR(“Takira”), PSTR(“Talaysha”), PSTR(“Tallquist”), PSTR(“Tannin”), PSTR(“Tammey”), PSTR(“Taranisha”), PSTR(“Tenicia”), PSTR(“Terius”), PSTR(“Terrayne”), PSTR(“Teyha”), PSTR(“Thrisa”), PSTR(“Tideswell”), PSTR(“Tinnelle”), PSTR(“Tisean”), PSTR(“Tomoaki”), PSTR(“Tonja”), PSTR(“Trayes”), PSTR(“Treydon”), PSTR(“Trishonda”), PSTR(“Tryton”), PSTR(“Tudhope”), PSTR(“Tutchings”), PSTR(“Tyleik”), PSTR(“Tymirah”), PSTR(“Tymon”), PSTR(“Tyres”), PSTR(“Tyress”), PSTR(“Tyronn”), PSTR(“Ulus”), PSTR(“Urmi”), PSTR(“Vachel”), PSTR(“Van der Vlies”), PSTR(“Vasilevich”), PSTR(“Vivians”), PSTR(“Waddington”), PSTR(“Wayde”), PSTR(“Wealthall”), PSTR(“Wear”), PSTR(“Welford”), PSTR(“Whitty”), PSTR(“Whotton”), PSTR(“Widdup”), PSTR(“Wiletta”), PSTR(“Wimpenny”), PSTR(“Woodthorpe”), PSTR(“Wordie”), PSTR(“Worland”), PSTR(“Worton”), PSTR(“Wyndee”), PSTR(“Yancarlo”), PSTR(“Yancy”), PSTR(“Yna”), PSTR(“Yon”), PSTR(“Zacharry”), PSTR(“Zahaira”), PSTR(“Ziemke”), PSTR(“Zygmund”), PSTR(“Zeplin”), PSTR(“Zekira”),
    buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
    if (buttonState == 0)
    //Reset the name buffers to spaces
    for(int x = 0; x<34; x++)
    name[x] = ' ';
    for(int x = 0; x < 17; x++)
    lastName[x] = ' ';
    firstName[x] = ' ';
    int i;
    unsigned int found = 0;
    //the first 4 names should come from the list of awesome names
    if (ctr < 4)
    i = random(0, AWESOME_NAME_LENGTH);
    awesomeNames[i].copy(name, 34);
    for(int x = 0; x <= 33; x++)
    if (name[x] == ' ')
    found = x;
    firstName[x] = '';
    if (found == 0)
    firstName[x] = name[x];
    lastName[x-found-1] = name[x];
    if (name[x] ==' ' || name[x] == '') x = 34;
    if(random(100) <= 25)
    i = random(0, AWESOME_NAME_LENGTH);
    awesomeNames[i].copy(name, 34);
    found = 0;
    for(int x = 0; x <= 33; x++)
    if (name[x] == ' ')
    firstName[x] = '';
    found = x;
    if (found == 0)
    firstName[x] = name[x];
    i = random(0, AWESOME_NAME_LENGTH);
    awesomeNames[i].copy(name, 34);
    found = 0;
    for(int x = 0; x <= 33; x++)
    if (name[x] == ' ')
    found = x;
    if (found != 0)
    lastName[x-found-1] = name[x];
    if (name[x] ==' ' || name[x] == '') x = 34;
    i = random(0, NAMES_LENGTH);
    names[i].copy(firstName, 16);
    i = random(0, NAMES_LENGTH);
    names[i].copy(lastName, 16);
    AnimateDisplay('*', firstName, lastName);

    Serial.print(" ");
    void AnimateDisplay(char placeHolder, char* line1, char* line2)
    char buf1[16];
    char buf2[16];
    char centered1[16];
    char centered2[16];
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    buf1[i] = placeHolder;
    buf2[i] = placeHolder;
    centered1[i] = ' ';
    centered2[i] = ' ';
    int len1 = 0;
    int len2 = 0;
    while((byte)line1[len1] != 0) len1++;
    while((byte)line2[len2] != 0) len2++;
    for(int i = 0; i < len1; i++)
    centered1[((16-len1)/2) + i] = line1[i];
    centered1[15] = '';
    for(int i = 0; i < len2; i++)
    centered2[((16-len2)/2) + i] = line2[i];
    centered2[15] = '';
    //Animate the shrinking placeholders
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    buf1[i] = ' ';
    buf1[15-i] = ' ';
    buf2[i] = ' ';
    buf2[15-i] = ' ';
    //Display the centered name

    1. Get the Arduino IDE free at arduino.cc version 1.0 only and install the flash library then run the above code .
      Saves building it as it displays on a serial terminal for you .

  2. Actually, as an European I got a little confused at what is so funny about Panos. I had to read the comments.. We would pronounce the a like in Garth. And Penis is also totally different from pronunciation, so even American Panos is very different from it. But trying the American strange form of Penis, I get it. Panos sounds like a Greek name, though.

    Anyways, I am rambling. I guess I am out of the age to make jokes of names, who knows maybe I get silly again when I become a parent ;)

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