It seems like a day doesn’t go by without an ESP8266 project here on Hackaday. There’s a good reason for that, the chip and associated modules have brought low-cost WiFi connectivity to the masses. Today we have [Stevica Kuharski], who has built an open WiFi access point detector using the ESP8266. To do this he’s using the Lua compatible NodeMcu firwmare. [Stevica] wrote his own Lua scripts to run on the ESP8266’s internal 32 bit microcontroller. The freewifi script scans and searches for open WiFi networks. If a network is detected, the user is informed via a blinking LED.
To make the project wearable, [Stevica] powered the project with a pair of CR2450 coin cell batteries. The ESP8266 is not known for being a particularly low power device, so we’re curious to see what sort of battery life [Stevica] gets with his project. The project source is already available on GitHub, and [Stevica] is hoping to kick off an Indiegogo campaign in the next few weeks. Click past the break to see the WiFi detector in action.
This ESP8266 Hotspot locator also checks to see if it the AP actually open or requires a browser login.
oh wow i have to get myself one of these modules
interesting project..
but, what is the value as a Indiegogo project?
Indiegogo or kickstarter has to be there for every crap.
Remember back in the late 90’s and early 00’s when GPS navigation was just the coolest thing you could buy? Whens the last time you seen one? Why? Because everyone has a smartphone that includes GPS navigation apps. What is it with all these WiFi Detectors – EVERY smartphone already does it better, with cooler graphics, and way more information then a stand alone detector with a blinking LED. Geesh, it’s like watching people reinvent the wheel using turnips (or turnips with blinking LEDs).
OMG when are you going to do a kickstarter for the blinking LED turnip? I need one!
“..everyone has a smartphone…” BS!!!
I don’t have a smartphone and have no intention of getting one. I also don’t have a tablet. Yes this cuts me off from a lot of “cool” stuff, but I am retired, so don’t need it, and anyway can’t afford it any more. However I do have a netbook which I sometimes carry with me so this sort of thing would be very useful. I know there are commercial devices that would do this, but again for someone in my position cost is an issue.
Just for the record, I live in London. My one luxury is BT Infinity Broadband. This gives me unlimited access to BT Fon hotspots of which there are thousands in London. It is extremely useful to be able to get online while waiting for a bus or train. There is a level of tech snobbery on HaD which I find both annoying and unuseful. Stop it now.
Seconded. I’m a software developer without a cell phone at all. I figure I spend more than a combined 22hr/day with both a hard wired phone and computer within arms reach. My wife spends nearly 24/hr day in the same situation. She has a prepaid cell phone simply for when we travel long distances on road trips, but past that, we don’t have nor need one, let alone a smartphone.
Some of us DON’T WANT to carry a smartphone.
It’s one of the last few items which I am allowed to choose my privacy or not.
I choose NOT to carry a device which maintains a monitor on where I am and where I’ve been.
The ESP8266 draws about 45mA when active, how much does a smartphone use?
Too bad the only *free wifi’s* are telecom hot spots, at least here in germany …
No offence… but… what is so special about it?
Do I miss the point? Why a crowdfunding campaign?
There are even T-Shirts that detect WiFi (only found a german link)
Plus: why do I need a WiFi indicator in general? (Ok maybe I am a bit spoiled when it comes to Internet)
As I said: no offence, maybe somebody can illuminate me :)
I have a WiFi-detecting hat (probably came from ThinkGeek or the local Fry’s store), and it was really cool back in the day. But these days there’s basically WiFi everywhere, and it’s almost all running encrypted access points, so just knowing it’s around doesn’t actually help anything :-)
What I have found useful is a smartphone WiFi analyzer tool, which shows graphically which channels have how much power (most of the neighbors’ apartments have WiFi) because that tells me which channel I should be using for my own WiFi to get the best reception.
Looks like a lot of people came to the post to complain and they just don’t see the miracle of ESP8266. If you still don’t get how this chip will change the world, please don’t comment. It will safe you energy and will not make you look stupid. Thank you for the great autonomous project. Keep the good inventor mood.
Sorry for posting :P
Good thing I never worked with this chip ;)
It’s powerful, but good luck finding WEP, Open, or WPS access points.. I think McDonalds has them but with a timeout or something..
Might be more interesting to hook it up to a vibrating motor, that way you could just feel open wifi. Hmmmm, a free wifi vibrator? Now THAT would be a good Indigogo campaign, how do you find free wifi? Just look for the cross eyed ladies.
accesspoint detected:woot woot
I love this chip.
It is not about a single application.
It is about remote control/sensing of every possible device that has a pin or port that can provide some status or control.
It is a revolution for home automation.
It has great support software.
I think a wifi finder is nice, but its not a good example for demonstrating the chips possibilities.
There wil be creation of lots of software and applications in the coming months.
All these creations can then have the possibility of controlling/sensing them with your smartphone or some other wifi device.
It really needs to go into a sword that turns blue.