What do you do when you stumble across a website posting real-time earthquake data? Well, if you’re [Craig Lindley] you write some code to format it nicely onto a display, put it in a box, and watch it whilst making dinner.
[Craig] started off with coding in Forth on the ESP32, using ESP32Forth, but admits it didn’t go so well, ditching the ESP32 for a Raspberry Pi 3 he had lying around, and after a brief detour via C++, he settled on a Python implementation using Pygame.
A case was 3D printed, which he says worked OK, but needs a little tuning to be perfect. There is no shortage of casing options for the Pi with the official 7″ display, [Craig] suggests that it probably wasn’t worth the effort to 3D print the case and if he was building it again would likely use a commercially available option which had a better fit.
When developing the code, and watching it work, he noted clusters of earthquakes around Hawaii, then he found out Kilauea had just gone up. Wow.
For a similar take, check out this other recent build using an ESP32 and the same data source.
Very cool project, but that website it hard on the eyes. Orange background and Comic Sans. Woof!
There’s already a great website, as well as a phone app. Go to https://quakewatch.net/ website for updates / info. And for your phone, download the app called “The Disaster Prediction”
Yaaaa…. don’t know how useful that site is, considering it’s parent site is a coinflip of actual scientific news and batshit theories based on that news.
Could just go to the USGS site
When I first saw the title I thought “Wow! That’s some Bond villain stuff there!” then I realized that it was being used to display earthquake data, not to cause earth quakes. Very disappointing!
Now i have said many times, that RPi will one day be the death of us all! Do you believe me now?!
Dies it have a Mini RPi minion?
Needs to be a projector pointed at a large wall. Get the control room vibes going.
I forked a update of this project here https://github.com/SpudGunMan/EQMap2