I See By Your Tattoo That You Are A Hacker

We spotted [Segfault]’s new tattoo on a fast failing bird app a few days ago. We thought it was nice looking piece of skin art, but without a write up couldn’t cover it. The bearer of the tattoo pointed us to this blog post about the tattoo, and now we really like it.

It’s fun on it’s own, but when you start staring at it you realize it’s full of hidden jokes and meanings. If you like puzzles, go hunting for them before you read the blog post. We also liked the reminiscence about [Segfault]’s early electronics experimentation days, and how the 555 timer IC figured prominently in them.

We’ve not covered a lot of tattoos here at Hackaday.  Mostly we cover the technology behind skin fused or embedded hacks. But occasionally some tattoo art catches our eye, as it did in this interesting barcode tattoo.

38 thoughts on “I See By Your Tattoo That You Are A Hacker

    1. You’re not alone. Clothing, bumper stickers, flags, and wristbands are all great ways to show that you are a hacker. Why does it have to be permanently etched into your body?

      Everyone thinks they won’t regret it, but you never know what your future holds.

    1. Well times do change. 2600 is USA-centric, and from a previous generation. 1337 is also from a previous generation but more recent and from internet culture. I don’t know what’s current in young hacker circles, probably not even a number. Maybe in 20 years someone will get a tattoo of a RPi pico printing out a hashtag.

    1. Would you really want to use something running on an SD card?? This seems like a job for perhaps a ROM and lots of RAM to me – ever really runs out of power the RAM can be reflashed from the outside, and the read endurance of ROM chips means its probably going to outlive the muppet putting it…

      An SD card even with the best will in the world is going to fail in relatively short time.

  1. Clothing, bumper stickers, flags, and wristbands are all great ways to show that you are emotionally stunted and cannot conceive of people wanting different things than you. Why does it have to be permanently etched into this website’s comments?

    Everyone thinks they won’t regret it, but you never know what your future holds.

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