Thanks For Hackaday Europe!

We just got back from Hackaday Europe last weekend, and we’re still coming down off the high. It was great to be surrounded by so many crazy, bright, and crazy-bright folks all sharing what they are pouring their creative energy into. The talks were great, and the discussions and impromptu collaborations have added dramatically to our stack of to-do projects. (Thanks?) Badges were hacked, stories were shared, and a good time was had by all.

At the event, we were approached by someone who wanted to know if we could replicate something like Hackaday Europe in a different location, one where there just isn’t as vibrant a hacking scene. And the answer, of course, was maybe, but probably not.

It’s not that we don’t try to put on a good show, bring along fun schwag, and schedule up a nice location. But it’s the crowd of people who attend who make a Hackaday event a Hackaday event. Without you all, it just wouldn’t work.

So in that spirit, thanks to everyone who attended, and who brought along their passions and projects! It was great to see you all, and we’ll do it again soon.

6 thoughts on “Thanks For Hackaday Europe!

  1. It was a good event, well put together and organized. Only thing i’d change is the stage, it was sometimes difficult to follow a presentation with all the loud conversation of the hackers doing their projects around the area.

    But all in all it was nice to visit Berlin and see the Hackaday crowd again!

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