in the effort of getting all the tivo hacks up here, this is one sent in (thanks everyone) is a cook book on upgrading a stock sa2, adding more hard disk space, second drives, or getting command line access and tivoweb running on it. it’s not for the advanced hardcore folks, but a good start. if you have other ones, send them in or post’em up!
Are you kidding? You posted this? I hacked my tivo over the thanksgiving holiday, and it wasn’t pretty, we’re talking over 150 page threads over at the tivo forums, almost 2 years worth of posts. Its a lot to go through. I thought wow, hackaday posted a one stop shop for doing this, great!
Instead its this dumb page i kept coming across while doing my own hack. This page is totally incomplete, see that 4 at the bottom, it means its not done, and there really isn’t much info on this page at all. I could fart out a more robust tutorial.
This is a bad link, Sleepers CD AKA Tivoscripts is outdated and just plain broken.
The correct way to hack a Series 2 is to use killhdinitrd
This would be a better place to start from:
Please do not give out bad outdated info.
Wow. What a lack of information… Bad post.
Thanks commenters! Your input actually turned this dud article into a useful resource pointer!