Enable Bluetooth Headsets On Ipaqs

enable bluetooth headsets on ipaqs

here’s one hack a day pal lars sent in…

there is a reg. key you can edit to enable bluetooth headsets on ipaq.
put 1 insted of 0 in:


and add a DWORD Enabled=1 Enabled=1 to


and also there is a key in softwaremediaplayer that has somthing in the lines of play unsupported=0 (off) enabeling it must do something but i dont know what,but i supose U people could figure it out.

so if you have a bluetooth headset for your phone and have a bluetooth ipaq, there’s a good chance you can use your headset to listen to audio through the headset.

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Better Usb Wireless Security

usb security

there’s a pretty slick device called the “thanko usb pc lock” that will unlock and lock your pc based on how close your are to it (physically).

the only downside is the software that comes with seems a bit wonky, but–bryan batchelder rolled up a better version which to address all the complaints we had, the future features look pretty sweet too.

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