Hackaday Links


the links are back and are aplenty after a rainy weekend. let’s get down and dirty with what you guys sent over the weekend and what shines the prettiest.

nothing like old 1900-esque wooden knobs for your devices [seesoe]

nothing new except it’s a full size IDE drive. bigger is better? [calvin]
googletalk making a comeback? we’ll see. [thomas]
who could resist a gingerbread server… [barbobot]
if you dig telephones, mice, and are desperate: seek refuge here [John]
making a fox turn into a bot [max s.]
spuds ahoy [carson]

and our man [patriko] says to hell with tv-b-gone and to check this out. we agree.

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The Big Red Juicer

Big Red Juicer

ahhh, yes. we knew one day that 400mhz would not be the fastest thing in the world on a pc. it’s gotten so out of control, that this juicer is a 433mhz beast of blending fury, well….two microcontrollers worth. It’s got wireless and it makes the absolute perfect juice combination. Using built in sensors and other fun stuff, it can measure the exact proportions for your custom made apple juice….everytime. It takes it’s commands via a keyboard or wireless remote and dispenses juices from above. My god, this world is getting better everyday. What’s next cornell? Wireless Egg beaters?

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