Hackaday Links


Hi readers. I’m going to keep this short today and hope to make up with it tomorrow if I’m better. I’ve gotten very sick and typing is becoming hard. So thanks for bearing with me.

Also, the guy commenting on Cedar Point yesterday, priceless. And did my Guinness popsicle link get removed last night so it could go up as a feature article? Please let me know about that one…

the scooter with the office chair [trilly]
make chloroform responsibly (key word right there) [jason]

holy christ. someone turned a dead frog into a server (not for faint of heart or the dude complaining about furs) thanks [wetsmellydog]

very cool WEP cracking video done in linux. (flash based movie players suck though) [je]
throw half-life 2 characters into photos

17 thoughts on “Hackaday Links

  1. Vince,
    I pulled the link because that feature was written on Friday and was already in the queue for today. Just like the dead frog feature which was lined up for tomorrow. That WEP cracking link was up Saturday. These things wouldn’t happen if you would bother to read the site, our readers do.

  2. Ohh SNAP!


    The frog thing is neat though. I can only hope the control computer fits in with the other exibits if this is displayed (which it looks like it’s supposed to be). A beige box in the art gallery would sure be ugly. Of course, it could be that everything’s controlled by people at home and that there ISN’T a control computer near the display… but that wouldn’t be any fun.

  3. well that frog is kinda lame considering its just controlled by microservos. theres no real muscle control going on there. if they closed up the skin it might look as though you were just controlling the frog with the computer, but since you can see the servos its just a nasty lookin robot… later

  4. well that frog is kinda lame considering its just controlled by microservos. theres no real muscle control going on there. if they closed up the skin it might look as though you were just controlling the frog with the computer, but since you can see the servos its just a nasty lookin robot… later

  5. I see no point in adding the actual frog corpse to that “server”, other than so they can call it “art” and put it in a gallery rather than a less popular public place and call it an interactive robotics experiment.
    Not big or clever, just attention seeking.

  6. your link to my chloroform page blew my site’s previous WEEKLY traffic record out of the water in 3 hours. thanks!

    oddly enough, i had stumbled upon this site all by myself about a week earlier.

  7. it would be sweet if the frog swam around in the tank like one of those electric ones in ur bathtub

    it would be sweeter if it did it using the frogs own muscles and electric current..

    rite now its just gross

  8. Just to flash my street cred, I’m a chemist.

    The chloroform trick works, but there is a much better way to do it that requires a slightly different apparatus. It goes more efficiently if you have external cooling of the vessel containing the bleach (use ice/water mixture) and set up a water cooled distillation head with a cooled collection vessel (use ice/acetone). Then slowly add the acetone so the reaction doesn’t get super hot or reach a fast boil.

    Don’t heat a closed system!

  9. Usefulness of chloroform:

    1) Extracting interesting compounds (esp. alkaloids) from certain plants
    2) Chemical welding of some plastics
    3) improvised anesthetic for field-expedient emergency surgery
    4) getting cancer more easily
    5) this one is too dirty and cruel, so I’ll leave it up to your imagination

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