Here’s the latest entry in “future robot overlord watch”. Each stick is driven by a pneumatic cylinder. The control is generated using a midi file as the source. The system is completely modular. You assign instruments to individual channels based on what you have so it should be able to play any kit. My favorite quote from the FAQ: Q: What do you use to generate the midi files? A: Google.
[thanks synth-c]
Aphex Twin, Monkey Drummer. Same premise, and a must watch music video…
Man that’s freakin awesome! What a neat system. Check out the videos on the site! I watched them they’re awesome!
I, for one, welcome our pneumatic drumming robot overlords.
B0rked. Hackaday: The Ultimate DOS Attack.
i, for one, welcome our cliche bearing hackaday reading overlords.
yeah, i was gonna say, looks like the monkey drummmer video.
not gonna lie, although this is cool and all, as of late, hackaday has gone down in quality of hacks
whats with all the “drum hacks” as of late. Someone get a new hobby?
No, but if we feature something, people usually send in related links. This one was sent in on drum trigger day and I felt it was worthy, but I spaced it so they wouldn’t be back to back.
props, cosmo!
what happend to the hackaday links? that was my favorite part.
Reminds me of the “Monkey Drummer” video by Chris Cunningham and Aphex…
instead of complaining about the “quality of hacks,” why don’t we take a nice trip over to google to find some more… really, most of these how-to articles have a lot of phrases that are common amongst their kind, so it shouldn’t be that hard to search for these phrases. too many people just leech without making the effort to give something back. “ask not what hackaday can do for you, but what you can do for hackaday.” etc.
I feel hackaday would benefit from more things you can build from scratch or more common pieces. I know they dont qualify as hacks, but they are just as good, and there are already a few like the usb battery.
Well, joelanders..I’m not heading to google to find more hacks because I’m too busy working on my own or I’m at my job or I’m at school. Some of us don’t have the time to sit on the internet and just browse. So next time, please refrain from playing webcop and repremanding me.
joelanders has come through many times in the past with links. Not all are good but all links help and we definitely need some more tips coming in.
I know. I’m trying my best to create 2-3 in the next month that would be worth posting on hackaday.
there’s already an entire band based on this premise. i’m pretty sure the brain of the whole thing is a boss dr-770 drum machine, but i could be wrong.
Captured! By Robots
there’s already an entire band based on this premise. i’m pretty sure the brain of the whole thing is a boss dr-770 drum machine, but i could be wrong.
Captured! By Robots
is it P.e.a.r.t like Neil Peart from Rush?…more or less will sounds in the same way……at last 3 arms both!
Hi, awesome article.