This is a proof of concept magnetic stripe card emulator. Adron embedded a thin strip of metal into track 2 of the magnetic stripe. The ends of that strip are wrapped with thin copper wire to create a solenoid. The solenoid is driven by a PIC microprocessor and some transistors to boost the signal. The software provided can pulse a test pattern and any additional card numbers you supply.
Hey, ok, so there’s a fun park-type thing about 10min. from my house, and they use a Magsripe card to hold all of your money and tickets, Can this be used to be an artificial card with, say, 1,000 tickets on it?
it ‘sn easy to refund the money hacked . there are a mean.
I have a machine that I rented for the past 8 years. It has a card reader on it, I would purchase minutes in order to get the machine to work. Now company is out of business and I can’t use the machine without swiping a card. I’ve tried removing the card inside to bypass the reader, but not working. I’m not that tech savy so is there anyway i can continue to use this machine? do I purchase a card writer and write my own cards to add minutes? Does the brand of card swiper attached to this thing matter, if I do write my own cards? Any ideas/help would be appreciated. I hate to throw this thing away and spend more money ($5k) for another brand machine when this is operating perfectly (providing I have magnetic cards with minutes). Thanks.