CNC Solder Paste/pick N Place

Just when I thought I’d seen most of the CNC mods out there, [Steve Ciciora] (who happens to be one of the driving forces behind the killacycle) sent in his diy solder paste dispenser *and* his diy pick and place machine. Both are extensions of his CNC taig mill. Hopefully [steve] will put up some more details of his mill mods.

Energy Efficient Cat Camera

[Juergen] sent in his catcam project built. He used an inexpensive 1.3mp keychain camera with an ATTINY2313. The controller keeps the camera shut down until it’s time to take a picture. Then it powers it up, takes the shot, and returns to low-power mode. The cat adventures are actually kind of interesting. It wouldn’t work from under the car, but anyone feel like gps tracking their cat?

Wireless Reef Automation

I’m on a 1-wire/home automation kick lately. It looks like he’s giving up on the router platform, but [barebottoms] did some interesting work with a couple of wireless routers (a belkin that he fried, and then onto a wrt54g) to create automated controls for his reef. Think of it as home automation for the fishes. It’s an interesting idea – a hacked wireless router could make a fairly robust and power efficient controller for simple HA applications. His site isn’t really that informative, I found the forum posts more interesting.