You can make pretty much anything a speaker by vibrating it. Japanese engineer, [Keiji Koga], has been working for many years to perfect his plant based sound transmission system. The voice coil is at the bottom of the plant container and transfers sound up the stalk to the leaves. It’s and interesting idea, but we can’t imagine it sounds much better than vibrating a rigid surface.
[via io9]
voice cool… Is that supposed to be voice coil?
pretty cool, I guess.. This would be useful, if the sound quality is high enough.
I’d be interested to hear it with some really high treble notes, to see how it performs.
Also, as for the similar approach, I was more keen of thinking of the Soundbug (http://news.cnet.com/2100-1040-860746.html) which may or may not also work.
I wonder how devastating it is to the plant, as a living creature. I doubt they are adaptable to constant micro vibrations.
I bought a soundbug some time ago, works on the same principle to those speakers. Neat little device, surprisingly good sound, specially on glass. And has the bonus of projecting sound out of both sides of whatever you stick it to.
that is interesting. The article is very brief but it compares the sound quality to vinyl. I wonder what the quality is actually like? Also, too bad they make no mention of cost.
Hah, I remember reading a Star Wars expanded universe book where the bad guys used plant stalks as organic microphones. Seems like a good idea to go vice-versa.
watermelon for subwoofer! wohooo!
is it possible to conect a speaker to the plants ?
i will be gratefull it some one have a circuit charts..