[Avi] sent in his PSP as a status monitor hack(zip). He’s using Lua on the PSP, so you have to install LuaPlayer. The computer side is written in python, so it should be cross platform. Last time we saw a psp as an extra monitor, it had more capabilities, but it was limited to Windows. You’ll find the Lua script as well as the python in the zip file. It’s a nice use for an extra psp.
PSP As A Status Monitor

nice, very usefull when you’re on the go!
what a waste of a psp
Wow simple enough to be used a lot.
Kind of like a chumby without the widgets.
Its the little things like this that make me happy that I haven’t sold my PSP yet.
2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa
There are other reason this would be used. A PSP with broken buttons (such as the shutdown switch) or an older model if you have an updated one.
hoping for a more constructive feedback iron fist comment admin style – Zee
Very cool!!
Righteous hack!
…and what hardware hacker has an “extra” PSP lying around?
The hack is great, however it isn’t multi-platform — it depends on a lot of *nix specific commands like top, free, sensors(which in and of itself requires a lot of configuration), and datetime. It’s a really good example of how to connect Python and pspLua, and I think the source code should be modifiable to work with windows (although I’m not sure what the windows CLI equivilants of any of these commands are).
install cygwin and don’t worry about compatibility in windows.
There’s an error in the python, the font is pointing to somthing in the coders home directory.
to fix just change it to any ttf font on your sytem.
used LCD 15′ = $10
used PSP = $100?
Wow a 15 foot LCD for 10 bucks!! Sign me up.
Its a cool hack for when your not using your PSP, you can always have it as a status monitor.
Im sure this was already done with the app pspdisp and another app to run on the psp. I had my psp as a secondary monitor months ago lol :)
Sorry my bad. I didnt read the full article, i now realise this is linux and that it does mention what i was talking about in the text lol oops!
People who say this is a waste of PSP clearly don’t have the “hack spirit”. It’s not like “this feature sucks”, it’s all about making a device do something totally different it was meant to.
Nevermind the fact that this works without connecting the PSP to the computer. That definitely wouldn’t give it the upper hand over an lcd at all, no….
Good use of a psp, though I’m not a fan of LUA Player. Just seems cheap and dirty against actually compiling a PSP app.
cool. nice hack.
I have a psp that has some error with the network.. i think. at least the wireless is weird.
do you think i could do this with it?
Hi everyone, I wrote this hack a couple of days ago and thought someone else might find it useful.
mydnight – You’re right the Python part isn’t cross platform, but you can write your own program that will send a status image/message to the PSP very easily, if you want something minimalistic try running ‘echo -n “test123#test#”|nc 80’
akoi meexx – Lua is cheap and dirty which exactly the reason I used it, the entire thing was written in a couple of hours.
Wow! This is excellent! Just the thing I need. I have an Asus EEE 1000H, and it’s hard to tell when the processor is overheating. If only I was running linux :(
Any chance of there being Windows version?
I made some little changes to the python script and wrote an little article about how to use this thing, featuring a video where I show how I use it.
Exactly how do you put this on the PSP?
I have been searching hard for info on this, so thanks for the post, any ideas where I can get more information?