We’ve added a handful of contributors in the last couple months, but we’re still looking for more people to contribute daily posts and help expand the site.
This is a paid, freelancing position that requires professionalism, consistency, and reliability. We want to hear from people that are passionate about software/hardware hacking and growing Hack a Day. To apply, send the following to jobs@hackaday.com
- A short bio about yourself
- 3 example daily posts written in the style of Hack a Day
- 3 software or hardware how-tos you’d like to see. For examples of work we’ve done in the past, look here, here, here, and here.
- A couple sentences on how you would improve the site either through features or content
- Any additional reasons why you would make a good fit for Hack a Day
Do not send any attachments. Having your own blog you can show off is a definite plus.
hi i would like to propose you to open a Spanish version of hackaday i can help to traslate posts
and i will create new ones
^^ uh google translator?
a spanish version sounds like a lot of work and un-needed spending.
So do you want articles to be professional, consistent, and reliable; Or in the style of Hack-A-Day? :>
ouch! but seriously, we need consistent and reliable at least.
What’s the average workload we can expect and average pay?
I’m not sure if I can discuss the payment stuff here in the comments, but as far as workload goes its as many posts you’re able to write.
lol – i just submitted about 30 interesting links to consider when there are slow news days…. shouldda waited to get paid ;-)
Good fit: Doesn’t post manga.
When are submissions due?
I sent mine in! I hope I have a chance, after all I have lots of free time.
how many submissions have you guys received and do you plan on skimming all of them?
If our particular projects seem unethical, will we be disqualified?