[Matthias] from Intuity Media Lab put together a nice bit on controlling office lights with XMPP from his Android phone. In the article, he explains the components involved in the project, why he chose XMPP, and lists everything you need to replicate it. The project makes use of a wide variety of tools and libraries, weaving together code from multiple languages to achieve its goal. Overall, his project is a welcome change in a world full of Twitter–based solutions.
9 thoughts on “XMPP And Home Automation”
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not a hack, it doesn’t tweet and there’s no arduinos :/
there are twitter based solutions, it’s a hack
Twitter is a XMPP based solution.
xmpp to switch off a light bulb? only for bulbs with built-in lightLinux! *sigh*
When they put the xmpp client on the controller I’ll be impressed. Requiring a PC for control is kind of a bummer. OTOH, I suppose that could be a central control server with multiple legs out to controller devices.
@bitbass agreed. XMPP messaging for automation is an easy way to manage different devices. When they actually get a machine in the lightbulb with a XMPP client and a connection (without breaking the bank), i’ll be more excited.
Exciting!I was simply not aware that something like this based on a data push mechanism would be entirely possible, and I became aware of the OpenSpime libraries as well…
A neat end goal to use XMPP for, but I’m curious what issues the OpenFire installation on mac had… I’d like to get a bit familiar with the framework before Google Wave.
I agree.