[Totoro] sent in this cool little email notification device he made. Using a paper model of Wall-E, he added some servos and connected it to his computer using a PIC. Mail-E has independent arm rotation and head rotation. He admits that the PIC processor is major overkill and plans some upgrades such as making it wireless and using a little better suited chip to control it. Not bad for a proof of concept.
he needs to make something that when u get enw mail it either 1) beats you on the head or 2) picks up the chair and shakes it :) btw nice job
This is awesome. Haven’t got much else to say. Good job.
this is a hack.
Why is this even here? Where’s the Arduino?
eh, Arduino’s are overrated. For one, they are already on their own board… a true hack (such as this one) should use a custom board or mabe breadboard.
An overkill for a simple mail notifier.But a good job :)
i love it!
Crows are incredibly smart. They can be taught five things on the drop.