Boston Dynamics is at it again. This time, they’ve created a creepy biped with a natural gait. It may look very similar to BigDog, because it really is almost the same system. Named PETMAN, this biped system is being designed to help test chemical protection suits. This bot can stress the suit by walking, running, and even crawling in a room filled with poison gas. Not only can PETMAN walk, run, and crawl, but it can also sweat and change its temperature. That’s pretty cool. Like BigDog, the most impressive part is when they give it a shove and it recovers with a motion that seems almost organic.
How about adding a pair of Jazz hands?
eerily familiar….
this reminds me of the herbie hancock ‘rockit’ video
is it just me or is it more of a pimp strut than a regular stroll?
Seriously, that recovery from the push was so natural I was kinda expecting the bot to go over and kick the guy for such undeserved abuse.
Mark my words, these videos will be the cause of the righteous flames of indignation that will ignite the coming robotic revolution and human enslavement.
turns out pneumatics are the key, many have tried walkers before, but they all struggled with stiff direct motor approach.
Damn, the stuff these guys are doing is getting scarier by the minute.
stick an xbox 360 running milo’s world with all of project natal’s crap on this thing and you have the first terminator.
damn, alex beat me to it
Me Too, are these things really gonna test NBC suits or do you think they will replace them, when robots get smarter and AI gets more advanced these machines wont like being pushed around so much, then again anything autonomous seems to be a good tap for research money these days
I’m surprised they made it walk heel-to-toe.
Heel-to-toe is a very inefficient way to walk, and it does more damage to the foot than mid-foot walking.
Try running barefoot on concrete for a while, you’ll notice that putting all that downwards force directly from to your heel up your leg is doing more impact than natural walking (landing mid-foot) is.
The only reason humans walk heel-to-toe is because typical shoes have a lot of padding in the heel to protect your leg and foot from damage by the landing impact.
Human feet aren’t replaceable, or made of metal, either.
It doesn’t look natural because human walking uses gravity like a pendulum.
Thank you Boston Dynamics for giving me more nightmares just in time for Halloween.
Excellent work. Very Impressive. Fairly creepy too.
No where’s near as loud as BigDog!
Actually its probably just as loud as bigdog when its not hooked up the big gantry providing the pressure for the hydraulics. There is a video of big dog hooked up to a similar rig and its virtually silent as well.
A room of these running on treadmills would make a sweet art piece
mars wrote:
“The only reason humans walk heel-to-toe is because typical shoes have a lot of padding in the heel to protect your leg and foot from damage by the landing impact.”
Or, you know, that whole evolution business.
Mechwarrior 0.1
Why don’t they just have Gordon Freeman test the hazard suits?
Reminds me of the Geckos from MGS4.
SWEAT to change Temp? How’re you gonna add a line like that and not show it…
Agree with Flint and PocketBrain. I was imagining this thing with a couple of side mounted weapons while I was watching the video :P
Proof that humans are just around the corner from being destroyed by our own creations. That future is one that seems inevitable.
haha PocketBrain, JB.. so true. give it machine guns and lasers and welcome to the battletech universe. i’ve never been so excited about the possible demise of man..
re: peptidefarmer, subj: evolution
Spot on!
I suspect some sort of evlutionary algorithm is at work behind the scenes here as well.
Can’t hardcode such beauty…
That all good and well, but can it moon walk, lol. That I would like to see.