[Alpay] sent in this project he did recently. He was hired to produce a kiosk that would stand out to the kids at the event. He chose to make a bike riding game utilizing open source hardware and software. There was some thought put into what interface to use to make it easiest for people to just pick up and use. The ultimate decision was a simple one. Use real handle bars from a bike. As for software, they used Blender, the open source 3d creation program. The actual control is done via a pair of Arduinos, an accelerometer, and a pair of XBee modules.
He notes that blender is fully capable of accepting the serial input from the controller, but they opted to have the controller mimic keystrokes to make life easier on the developer, as well as make the controller usable on more games. Maybe if enough people ask really nice, he’ll release the source code for the controller.
“a bike riding game utilizing open source hardware and software.”
“Maybe if enough people ask really nice, he’ll release the source code for the controller.”
Since he used open source software I think he should release his source code regardless if we want it or not.
proarduino, usually open source development tools do not ask to put you work under the same license unles your work contain their source code. There are also special GPL for libraries called LGPL. He can publish his work as open source if he wish, but he is not forced to do that.
he’s not distributing his newly written applications, he doesn’t have to release the source if he doesn’t want to.