As I’m sure many of you already now, today is January 7th. While that might not have any real significance normally, today this means that our favorite hobby supplier, SparkFun, is giving away up to $100,000 of electronic goodness. We know we have our shopping carts filled to the brim, and we’re sure that most of you do too. With the start of Free Day being roughly 10 minutes away, we recommend that everyone man their shopping carts…. This should be interesting…
624 thoughts on “SparkFun’s Free Day Is Nearly Upon Us…”
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I am so upset that some of you can even connect…last page I saw was the “we are adding servers…blah” page around 10AM EST….this sucks
100k given away at 11:25! You can now get back to your regular lives (and also stop trying to access the server k thnx)
Anyone who doesn’t already have an account set up from yesterday should just stop now, you are not going to get it set up, and you are just bogging thigns down for the rest of us.
2852.29$ 11:27
This reminds me of when Amazon did a black friday sale when the xbox360 came out for $99……
I hope I can get through before my meeting in 30min.
Got to shipping options page and timeout
3152.09 and counting…
3250 last i saw
lol welcome to the club inm stuck on shiping too
Can we get hack-a-day to remove this posting for an hour or so so n00bs stop trying to signup? This late in the process and there is no chance they will get through. But there is hope yet for the rest of us.
THX hack a day, you do it. The most stupid denial of service in the world.
As people comment, most guys will just buy things that even don’t know about it, or how work. Just because it’s free.
I’ts intended as a sharing day with regular customers. Now it’s ruined.
has anyone in here been able to actually place an order?
No luck here, and all I want is a few membrane potentiometers. :(
Nice try, “SparkFun Associate” :-)
I can’t even -see- the site, let alone get an update of the count. Sigh. I took the morning off work for this… oh well, thems the breaks.
About $2,800 as of 11:30.
“Problem loading page”
oh shit.
@SparkFunGuy stop lying to put people off its unfair to try and cheat your way.
The Hack-a-day affect in effect…
having fun just watching the twitter feeds. Gave up trying to load the page. Actually have work to do. LOL
time and time …out… wonder how long people will be persistently refresh that site for 100 usd…
And all I want is a gps module that I can’t justify the cost for with the wyph
3.5 k given away im already at credict card page go go go
On the monday after thanksgiving was doing 50% off everything all day. I got my stuff checked out that day but the same thing was happening so I’m not expecting much. Funny, while I was typing my cart loaded… again.
It’s like the break room with left over cupcakes on the counter.
They’re slashdotted.
I can’t get anything!!!!!!!
Maybe the arduino web server was not such a good idea.
Why get angry at Sparkfun? We get free shit in exchange for them stress-testing their system. How could anyone not see this coming?
@DeFex lol!!!!!!!!
Has anyone here gotten checked out?
@DeFex: yea they should have used a arduino mego
@SparkFun Associate
Damn – I was about to try that trick!
how many services is sparkfun flooding and killing with people, NOT including their own?
Just saw 4,695.00 as given away so far. Great idea, bad execution.
Ive been trying to get onto sparkfun since 7:30 my time (which is 1 hour ahead of them)
Have yet to even see the home page, connection interrupted every time
This was a poorly executed idea, ran off of some local yokel small time host (rockynet) on poor server hardware, its been 3x as difficult to even get on even before the rush
SparkFun Free Day
Is open! Time remaining:
11h : 28m : 30s
Get those orders in!
$3,844.79 given away so far!
I thought it will be over in 3 minutes but now Im wondering how many hours people will manage to refresh
$4795.09 are gone already
I’m almost at the last step
Maybe they should have just given away 100k candybars?
oh well
They’ve sparkfun’d themselves.
They should have made this for previous customers only or something. People have made tens of thousands of new accounts in the last day, many fraudulent duplicates by people wanting multiple orders, many by people who will just try to get free high-dollar stuff to flip on Ebay.
Its an awesome idea, but I have the feeling that SparkFun didn’t foresee this big of a problem.
They actually are asking people on the internet to use the honor system?
just got to my cart, 5195.09$ given away so far
$4,495.09given away so far
hrm no matter what i cannot checkout, keeps kaputting and only showing 1 icon all the rest blank
5k last I checked and apparently I haven’t updated my address. F.
Got the homepage to load after 30min of trying.. was so used to pressing F5 that I lost it :(
They’ve sparkfun’d themselves.
Posted at 9:34 am on Jan 7th, 2010 by Mitchel Humpherys
Nice!!!! A new meme in the creation.
6075.24… and creeping right along…