Apple Magic Mouse on Windows
Looks like some folks snooped around the latest Bluetooth update from Apple and managed to extract the Magic Mouse drivers. Now you can use them to take this complex peripheral for a spin on Windows. [Thanks Juan]
Component jewelry: From geeky to gross
[Nikolaus] made a pair of 300k Ohm earrings for his wife. That’s three Brown-Black-Yellow resistors per ear. It’s geeky but in a subtle way. Much more refined than the gross outcome of this other guy’s crass nipple experiments. Need to get the image of nipple-jewelry out of your head? [Nikolaus] has you covered with some 3d printed earrings.
Need your GPS data to be accurate within a centimeter? We don’t either but if you ever do, Real Time Kinematic GPS is what you need. Now you can build one yourself using the RTLIB package. This is based around the powerful and powerfully-inexpensive Beagleboard. [Thanks Jan]
Messy music
It warmed up here a bit this week and things got slushy. Our Galoshes are nice and water-tight but [David’s] have a big hole in the side and are filled with a mini-keyboard. He’s chosen a rubber boot as the housing for a circuit-bending project. It’s a nice touch that the hidden keys are still playable through the flexible rubber.
Apple magic mouse! Not that magic when you’ve got loads of 2D and 3D drafting to get done. Unless someones figured out a sensible third button hack, ill stick to my scroll ball!
The super accurate GPS caught my eye for a moment (way more than 1 sample a second), but the true power in that system is still a special GPS package that costs $350. Not so exciting anymore.
“crass nipple experiments” HOLY CRAP!!!!
it’s like a hackers version of silence of lambs.
“it applies the flux to it’s pins or else it gets the dremel again”
@hairyjuan: ha!
hope those components were unused. that would be a weird place to get lead poisoning.
Go straight to the source:Takasu and Yasuda’s published paper, and you’ll see that $400 is the total cost. If you already have a microcontroller, you’ll probably only need the GPS module: $25-200.
Anybody knows where I can buy a Skytraq S1315F?
The resistor, diode, and capacitor were unused.
The LED was used, but that wasn’t a big deal. The painful part was soldering on to the leg coming out of my nipple. And then I sticky taped the battery to my chest.
It also requires a phase transmitter base station, which is unaccounted for in this cost. I’m not aware of folks around my location who have a fixed RTK I can receive, although it’s something I’ve been interested in for quite some time.
Hey Eric I hope you never try making your own prince albert ring!
You can use another duplicate receiver at a fixed location to provide the ‘correction’ feed.
It is also possible to subscribe to a RTK service.
I am told (but yet to confirm) that the USGlobalSat GPS modules support psuedorange outputs (which are required to make this work). Unfortunately a cheap/normal GPS is not sufficient.
The website with the nipple rings has a virus, please remove it from this section.
Just to follow up on the USGlobalSat modules… they support Pseudorange but do NOT output Carrier-Phase. Bummer!!
some talk (in German) about the Skytraq S1315F needing a firmware update to get carrier phase. The data sheets state the S1315F is capable of everything necessary for the production of a complete RINEX data set, ie NAV file and complete OBS file (pseudorange, Doppler, carrier phase, signal strength …)