[Matlo] posted a tutorial that will walk you through setting up a six-axis controller emulator. In April he developed a hardware solution using the Teensy but this version just needs a Linux computer with a Bluetooth adapter. If you don’t mind adding a computer to the mix you can use any peripheral controller that will talk to Linux and then adjust the six-axis PS3 controller mapping accordingly.
21 thoughts on “Custom PS3 Controller: Software Emulation Version”
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2.4 ghz yagi + PS3 emulation via linux over BT + PS3 controller macros = interesting potential for abuse
guess you still have to register the controller w/ the target, but it should be fairly straight-forward.
Great, but one day someone will release code for my mobile phone to control PS3/WII.
The smart mobiles have sensors and bluetooth
There’s this smartphone OS called Android which is basically a modified version of Linux, maybe you’ve heard of it. Should be fairly easy to adapt the above to work off a Droid phone if there aren’t permissions limiting what you can do with the Bluetooth adapter.
I cant get ubuntu to ‘make’ in step 2 located here http://diy-machine.blogspot.com/2010/05/hidemulator-tutorial.html
Anyone have any ideas?
You probably don’t have gcc and the kernel headers installed, try this.
“sudo apt-get install build-essential”
That should fix it, if not post an error message and I’ll see what I can do to help.
That isn’t really how Android works. The underlying OS is Linux, but apps themselves all run in a Java VM. There is an NDK (Native Development Kit) that gives you limited support for compiling C code and interfacing with some of the system libraries like BlueZ, but there is really no way to run Linux applications on Android.
His implementation here looks pretty involved, so I don’t think it could be easily ported to Android. But perhaps in the future a simplified version might be do-able with the NDK.
Got it working, technically. Everything installed correctly, changed my mappings, recompiled. However every input I make has about a ten second lag. I also noticed on the term running emu, there is a flood of ’emu: send_report: Cannot allocate memory’ errors. Any insight on this?
I’m on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, running on a thinkpad T42. Is there anyone out there that has got this working correctly, or at least in a playable state?
Also posted this in the blog comments, not sure which site would get more attention.
If you have the same problem than ToMaC, please follow the procedure described there:
I may take some time to respond, depending on your time zone (I’m UTC+2).
Anyone know of anything similar for windows? Or a slick way to do use this in a windows environment. I currently have a HPTC set up with Win7 and am looking for a way to control my PS3 over bluetooth for blu-ray playback. I know that windows is evil and all but i don’t need that lecture. It has to work smoothly and reliable from my wife’s viewpoint so i use what i have.
Read these posts:
some way to control ps3 by bluetooth with aino would be cool, the aino does have “remote play” so it’s already registered witht the ps3, like a touchpad remote, would be awesome for blu-ray :)
Note for those who don’t have a dongle with a compatible chip: there are cheap CSR dongles on ebay. Just enter keywords ‘CSR’ and ‘dongle’ for your search, and select ‘Include title and description’. I ordered some of these and I’ll test them as soon as I receive them!
Warning: it seems these cheap CSR dongle will not work!
Good news, I succeeded in pairing a dongle without modifying it (no bdaddr modification). Now any bluetooth device can potentially emulate a sixaxis, and as a consequence the emulator can now be ported to any other OS. See last post on my blog.
I don’t find “test_enable=no” in gedit…So i continue, it says error; could u help me please, i m french
Pour avoir de l’aide en français, le mieux, c’est de me mettre un commentaire en français sur le tutoriel en français ^^
Je n’y arrive pas, car il me faudrait un compte google; Désolé
Sinon je vais devenir fou, cela fait des heures que j’essai de trouver ce fameux test enable no en lisant toutes les lignes dans gedit mais impossible!!! Je sais que j’y suis presque pourtant… Sinon pourrais tu m’aider par mail peut être,,,
Euh attends le fichier fait plus de 10000 lignes…
Tu avais plus vite fait de créer un compte google…
Je viens de re-télécharger bluez 4.63, et je vois bien, à la ligne 13015: test_enable=no.
Bon finalement c’est ok je l’ai tapé sur le tutoriel en français. Désolé d’avoir pollué ce post!
Note for those who are looking for cheap dongles to use with this hack:
I was wrong about cheap CSR Bluecore4-ROM dongles that can be found on ebay for a few $.
I bought some of these for 3$ each, and I got their bdaddrs changed.
See http://diy-machine.blogspot.com/2010/06/about-cheap-csr-dongles.html
how about getting drivers manually to get connectivity http://www.androidsim.net/2011/06/how-to-20-connect-ps3-controller-to.html