Houses To Go From Leftover Scraps

[Derek Diedricksen] builds nomadic houses from left over building materials. Some are large enough to haul behind a vehicle or, in the case of the one above, small enough to tote around like a wheelbarrow. We love them because not only do they reuse material that might commonly hit the landfill, but they look good. Check out the first couple of episodes from the Yellow House series after the break. Then take some inspiration from [Derek’s] success and see if you don’t already have enough in your junk pile to get started.



[Thanks Anonymous via NPR]

22 thoughts on “Houses To Go From Leftover Scraps

  1. Tumbleweed homes already makes these (from new parts not leftovers) and are quite liveable. A friend that decided to live a nomadic life (trust fund) and spend his time as a photographer like ansel adams built one and drags it with him everywhere. Last I knew he was in Wyoming living on a land plot he rents from a farmer.

  2. For years I didn’t even have a car. I rode the bus and invested my money. I bought a modest house in a safe neighborhood. I retired early. I can use the net all day and night or jump on a plane to New Zealand.

    Most of the people I used to work with bought BMWs, Mercedes and fantastic houses. They’ll be working till the day they die.

  3. its built from junk… nothing new here, however it is done WELL. thats what makes it neat. nice job. id love to visit someone up in VT who had one of these for a guest house.

  4. @jakdedert: yeah, seriously tough crowd. But then, everyone has their own definition of what is/is not a “hack”, and I think the site tries to be inclusive rather than exclusive so there will always be a few dissenters.

    For me “cool thing made of reused material” is enough, and I love the look and feel of tumbleweed-style houses.

  5. @ biozz
    Well, even if built on a foundation, y’all live in cardboard houses anyway. What’s the reason for not building in sensible materials like brick? Crazy Leftpondians… :)

  6. Anyone remember the old Fox comedy series
    “In Living Color” ? The character Antoine ?
    (the homeless guy). He once gave a tour of
    his ‘humble abode’, a set of giant discarded
    appliance boxes taped together. And his
    “bathroom” (complete with floating turd in
    it), was a giant pickle jar. Does this “hack”
    come with a designer pickle jar ? or is it
    a coffee can ?

  7. Thanks/Ouch- depending on the reply…lol.
    More or less that one particular structure was designed as a more-durable, portable, single sleeper- a wooden tent of sorts- built on a budget, and no so much a “small house”. I’ve built a few other structures on the same idea, all in other “Tiny Yellow House” videos…and I have an episode on the way covering my VT cabin- 250 square feet or so.

    Anyway, real cool site here- and thanks to whoever for posting my link/video here- much appreciated!

    -Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

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