[Kenneth Finnegan] is back with another video showing some cool stuff he’s doing to connect his microcontrollers to the internet. Usually, we see this done with a prebuilt module like an iobridge. [Kenneth] is using a Microchip ENC28j60 module for the communication and he’s managed to stuff it all onto a tiny Electroboards piece. [Kenneth] is starting to become a regular around here.
[via HackedGadgets]
Neat project. The only time I think wire becomes a problem due to EMF is when it gets to lengths above a few inches. May get some interference, but I don’t think it’s enough to wreak havok. Same idea with actual pcb traces.
>The only time I think wire becomes a problem due to EMF is when it gets to lengths above a few inches
For Ethernet, 11mm is the accepted limit for untwisted cable.
Too bad the size of an ethernet packet on the wire is about 1m :-)
Grats are in order for someone who can spell “wreak” correctly, but misspell havoc! :) Still, it could have ‘peaked your interest’. lol
deathventure may have a background in 3d or gaming work:
When I read his sentence that stuck out at me because of my background :) Does that excuse it? Maybe… …maybe not.
Interesting idea. However Sparkfun sells both the Ethernet style socket,(RJ48) and matching boards.
But that is a heck of a good idea so far.
But writing your own stack takes talent!
(A follow up to my own post.)
If you need some code for this setup which works on a Arduino AtMega look over here: http://cafe.jeelabs.net/lab/ec1/
It provides the init of MAC and IP and further delivers simple webpages…
nice but it also possible to do all with single micro-controller, hard thought
Not really. Here’s an app note on just that very thing, done with a 16-bit microcontroller with around 2kB of RAM.
The things I get to do at work are quite fun, btw. ;-)