Millennium Falcon Doll House

Sometimes all it takes is one idea. The shape of a cutting board found at a thrift store prompted [Paul] to build a Millenium Falcon doll house. In addition to the strangely shaped cutting board, a ring from a CD spindle and some wood slats divide the internals while PVC fittings complete the cockpit assembly. To really bring things alive for the kids [Lin] made a bunch of minifigs from hobby pegs. These exhibit her artistic skills as we think they’re better than most of the stuff you could buy in a store.

Kids really bring out the best in hacking. Looks like these children have been enjoying the spoils of hacker parents for a while, with a cardboard rocketship (beats any refrigerator box hands down), Pixie-Dust bottles using some small LED bits, and a doll bed that repurposes a wine rack.

[Thanks Joby]

19 thoughts on “Millennium Falcon Doll House

  1. So it’s Craft-a-Day now eh?

    I’m sure having articles like this will help your resume when you apply to Women’s Day Magazine for their tea cozy editor, but WTF is it doing on HAD?

  2. To all the haters out there, A hack is to re-purpose something it was not intended to do.

    We got to get the next generation interested some how. Lets get them young and eager to learn.

  3. @Badger

    even if you dont think crafts is a hack YOU STILL GET YOUR HACK A DAY … HaD offers at least 7 different hacks a day so no matter what your going to get your fix!

  4. “We got to get the next generation interested some how. Lets get them young and eager to learn.”

    by letting mommy and daddy make them something and give it to them yay!

  5. @Osgeld

    So let’s get this straight… You consider some jerk with a spray paint can, who vandalizes *other* peoples’ property, to be an “artist,” yet a person who hand-makes and paints nice toys for his/her children deserves your contempt?

    I feel sorry for you. If your parents had cared enough about you to invest their talent, time, and themselves in the construction of your toys– and by extension, your life– you’d have understood what a gift like this really represents.

  6. I like it how it went from this:
    >vonskippy “So it’s Craft-a-Day now eh?
    I’m sure having articles like this will help your resume when you apply to Women’s Day Magazine for their tea cozy editor, but What The Heck is it doing on Hack a Day?”
    >Henrik Pedersen “Sometimes I think Hack a Day REALLY wants those flame-wars …”

    To this:
    >strider_mt2k “That is pretty cool!
    Very imaginative and well implemented.”
    >Et cetera “Et cetera”

    All after/(because of) this:
    >biozz “@vonskippy
    2) it’s just as much of a hack than anything else … you’re taking a bunch of materials and you’re making them do something they’re not intended to do.
    If you don’t like it DON’T CLICK ON IT”

    THIS is how humans should behave. Always supporting each other. We’re all social God damnit, can’t you get that through your testosterone filled brain-boxes?
    Jesus… and I’m not even religions, as you may/(may not) have observed.

  7. “So let’s get this straight… You consider some jerk with a spray paint can, who vandalizes *other* peoples’ property, to be an “artist,””

    where the fuck did i ever say that?

  8. Hey guys, new idea: if you don’t like a comment, take your own advice and DON’T READ IT. HOLY SHIT.

    Anyhow, it looks cute and all, but since I currently live in a free country were my personal opinions can be openly expressed: I don’t see where it fits on HAD (or at least deserving of a whole post.)

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