Beer Catapulting Fridge

We’re not sure where the fascination to have your libations flung at you came from, but we can’t say we’re entirely against it. This beer catapult robot (dead link try Internet Archive) will pull a cold one from its gullet and fling it to you, or in your general direction. While he doesn’t have the source code available for the Arduino bit, we’re OK with that. We’re more interested in the mechanisms at work here and there are plenty of pictures of his set up.  It seems very similar in design to this one we covered back in 2007, which also appeared on” The Late Show with David Letterman”.  Join us after the break to see the thing in action.

[thanks Springuin]

[vimeo =]

21 thoughts on “Beer Catapulting Fridge

  1. cool stuff. Cant you make the “sling” and the elevator load at the same time? Seems stupid to do it linearly.

    .. and whats up with the light beer. 2 launching fridges, 2x bud light :|

  2. Light beer and mp3’s. Two things that are *ucked up today. Again, a growler canon with sabot round protection. Think global, act local. Fresh beer served up right. Come to think of it, it would work in the high ceiling of our bigger brew pub. Go Purdue, aim high.

  3. Really what it needs is a spring cover to stop cold air escaping out the top. I also think it wouldn’t be difficult to design it so you wouldn’t need to have the pulley running from the bass of the fridge

    well done to the inventor though, very clever

  4. “Also, real beer is not sold in cans, but in glass bottles.”

    Bull. Bottles are overly heavy and not as efficiently recycled as cans or kegs. Cans let in less light and typically have less empty space that exposes the unopened beer to air. They also are lighter (cheaper) to transport. The brewing industry uses bottles to convince the consumer that the beverage within is classier than what can be found in cans, typically by way of the ancient myth that cans will impart a metallic taste. Bull again. Cans are lined with a polymer that keeps this from happening; the beer isn’t touching metal. My local microbrewery uses cans and kegs (both made out of recycled aluminum) exclusively for distribution.

    Cool launcher.

    1. I think the point was that canned beers are usually sh*t when compared to bottled ones. At least in europe canned beer is the low quality, cheap one like the wine sold in cardboard boxes.

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