Pong Clocks Using LED Matrix Modules

We love Pong clocks because they’re showpieces. This particular offering, called the Wise Clock, is the third hardware revision of the project. The LED display is dead simple since they’re using a 32×16 bi-color module from Sure Electronics. If you don’t want to design and build your own multiplexing display this is a somewhat inexpensive and high-performance alternative.

After the break you can see that the paddle movements look very realistic. They move like a human player might, which is quite often not the case with these clocks. If you want to see how that’s done, check out the code which was originally developed by [123led] for a different project.


[Thanks Florinc]

9 thoughts on “Pong Clocks Using LED Matrix Modules

  1. Definitely one of my favorite clock hacks. This and the pong watch. I just like the pong clock concept. Now if they could combine the two.. Led-matrix-pong-watch-game!

  2. I love the “realistic” movements, which in this case just means a paddle doesn’t start to move much until the ball is being passed back to it. I just get tired of the generic “pong animation” where a ball is passed back and forth and both paddles smoothly follow the ball the entire time – boring. I’m sure the algorithm in this could be tweaked a little bit to make it more realistic. He could make the ball speed up as play time increases and make the player movements more snappy and erratic as the ball gets faster, until one paddle loses.

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