Just in time for Valentine’s day, [Adam Meyer] and the folks over at tellart.com have put together a little project they call the “Love Song Machine“. Using a web-based form, anyone can submit a song, which will then be played on a system of bells that they have set up in their office. You can choose from several pre-defined love songs, or you can create your own unique arrangement with which to serenade them. Once you are ready to go, your song will be queued up, and you can watch a video of your creation as it is being played.
The system is comprised of 8 solenoid-actuated bells which are all controlled by the Arduino they have hooked up to their web server. It’s a pretty fun idea, and there are sure to be plenty of people submitting songs, so get yours in before things get too busy!
Keep reading to see a video preview of their system in action.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/19854287 w=470]
hmm after doing it, i would suggest they just have a live feed so you can watch everyone’s song rather than just looking at a clock to countdown to your song
this kind of reminds me of silophone
still kinda cool though
I’ve found very original the possibility of compose your song through the web. It reminds me the set of automatic tubular bells I built 5 years ago ( http://tolaemon.com/atb/ ) . I’m building a similiar and improved device now.
Check out bildr.com by the creator of this device. It has a good start at component level tutorials that are very well written.
Yea its bildr.org my apologies.
They’re actually standing there watching (at least when mine played). It’s a lot of fun!
I’m with zool though, it’d be fun if we could watch the feed and see everyone’s creations.
We really wanted to have a constant view for everyone. Our streaming server only allowed 10 people to watch at the same time though. And it needed to be more real time than all the mass streaming systems would allow.
Polyphony and chromaticism would be cool to have.
Cool, a web controlled carillon, I’ed like to see an entire 88 keyboard hooked up to 88 bells.
use ustreem?
Yup, I agree with zool. Have a separate server run ustream
Agree with Greg – 12 notes in a Chromatic scale, so why only 8 bells?
So.. can we bruteforce this thing?