Runners that wear shoes with the Nike+ system can upload GPS data about their runs to the proprietary website. If you’ve been using this for a while you may be reluctant to switch to another service that works with the hardware because you don’t want to lose the historical data. Faced with this issue, [Robert Kosara] developed some software that can scrape Nike+ data. Not only did he write the code, but he also threw up a website that shows how well it works. EagerFeet lets you copy and paste your Nike+ ID for mapping on Google Maps.
Data is scraped from Nike+ and assembled as GPX files, which are backups of GPS data. From there you can use it for whatever you like. Since the code is available in a Git repository it’s easy to depend on it with your own projects, and still get updates if the scraping system needs to be changed in the future. Even if you don’t want to use the GPX files in your own projects, they can be imported on some third party exercise tracking sites if that’s what you’re interested in.
Of course you could try to pull the data straight off of your iPod.
Almost what I need! I have old data on the Nike+ site but it doesn’t have any GPS component. I still want to be able to get the speed/pace info but haven’t found a way to access it…
Still not a fan of nike+, any decent runner knows the garmin forerunner is the way to go
Why did they use the words feet and scrape in the same title? *Shudders*
I heard about figurerunning on a dutch radio show..