[Rick Osgood] wrote in to tell us about the Eugene, OR Mini Maker Faire going on this weekend. The event is being hosted on the grounds of the Science Factory with a lot of help from the Eugune Makerspace
So far, Steamworks Cycles, the South Eugene Robotics Team, Oregon Rocketry and Eugene Rocketery will be at the Maker Faire showing off their skills and wares. It looks like an excellent place to spend the day, with events hosted by the Science Factor and the Eugene Makerspace all day long.
Tickets are $4.00 a pop; easy enough on our wallets, but unfortunately the official Hackaday transporter pad won’t be ready in time for this weekend. If anyone would like to write a blog post about the sights and sounds of the Eugene Mini Maker Faire, send it in and we’ll put it up.
FINALLY! Some techno hacking/maker faires in Eugene!
Wow… Nice of them to let all the makers up here in Portland know! I guess they need to work a bit on publicity… :-)
@DarkStar I think the Science Factory wanted to test the waters a bit this first year. They are hosting the event at their location and it’s probably not well suited for a ton of makers to present (space, power requirements, etc). I’m hoping this year will go well on a smaller level so next year we might be able to have the event at a bigger venue and really make it awesome. If you are free you should come down and check it out though. Eugene Maker Space will be open after the event so you can stop by and check us out too.
Holy cow! A makerfaire in Eugene at the Science Center? I had no idea there was an organized hacker community in Eugene. Wished I had time to hop on my bicycle and ride on down. Thanks Hackaday for posting this. Now I know about the folks here in Eugene. I’ll have to try and get more information on this group.
There’s also the Maker Faire NC this weekend! I live a mile from the location. My wife and I will be biking to attend. Tickets are $10/adult, which I think is quite good. Looking forward to seeing the Hack A Week display and watching the balloon launch!
Well the maker faire in Eugene was a bit small, but a great first start. Lots of attention on the 3D printers, kids had a blast building rockets and the Bee counter was pretty cool. Here’s hoping next year is 1. Bigger & 2. Better publicized. Good job guys n gals!