Building A Raspi Case In True Hackaday Fashion

[Ben] needed a case for his Raspberry Pi. Instead of going the usual laser-cut plastic or 3D printed route, he took a path far more familiar to us here at Hackaday. His case is built out of aluminum found in his basement, providing a neat reuse for some old aluminum extrusion he had lying around.

Part one of [Ben]’s thoroughly documented build goes over the process of acquiring some of this very handy aluminum extrusion. Part two covers a very neat feature of [Ben]’s scrap of aluminum: because of a pair of internal chamfers, [Ben] was able to mount his Raspi and USB hub to a separate piece of PVC and slide the whole assembly in.

The final assembly included dremeling a piece of aluminum plate for the Raspi and USB hub ports and wiring the whole thing together.

Right now the newly enclosed Raspi is working happily as [Ben]’s home server. Not exactly the use case a rugged aluminum case would see the best use from, but it looks great all the same.

12 thoughts on “Building A Raspi Case In True Hackaday Fashion

  1. I’m confused. Did he shorten a leg on his table just to make a case? Did he have a spare leg? How did he get a rectangular box from a square leg? What hardware store does he shop at that has such extrusions? Mine sure don’t.

  2. When I read the title, I first imagined a raspi case made out of arduinos… Making it out of some aluminum extrusion that seems to actually be made for a somewhat similar use case is not really my definition of “hackaday fashion” ;)

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