A while back, [Jacob] played around with a player piano. After feeding a roll into the machine and trying to figure out how a fifty year old machine using hundred year old technology can replicate a skilled pianist, he decided to take a crack at decoding piano rolls for himself. He came up with a clever way of doing it over Christmas break, using a camera and a few bits of OpenCV.
The old-school mechanics of a player piano use a bellows and valve system to suck air through dozens of holes, making the action hit a string whenever a hole is present in the piano roll. To bring this mechanism into the modern age, [Jacob] pointed a video camera at the active part of the piano roll and used OpenCV to translate holes in a piece of paper to a MIDI file.
The synthesized version sounds just as good as the original paper scroll-based version, as seen in the video after the break. There are a few sync issues in the video and the resulting MIDI file isn’t in the right key, but that’s easily fixed by anyone willing to replicate this project.
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