Hackaday Links: Sunday, June 2nd, 2013


Who knew you could build your own digital computer out of paperclips? EMSL did a great feature on the guide which was published in 1968.

Trying to keep your Raspberry Pi from overheating? Make it log its core temperature on the web.

[Lennart] must be some kind of Eagle CAD guru. Check out these PCBs that incorporate his logo in a very artsy way.

No need for a tripod when you can just strap the video camera to your safety glasses for some POV project videos.

Turn your Pogoplug E-02 into a Shairport (Airplay clone) music hub. Just follow this guide which installs Arch Linux and all the supporting packages you need.

We don’t have the background to judge the quality of this build. But you have to admit it’s pretty neat to see a radio telescope built using a tin can and an umbrella.

Dead rodent email: get a notification every time your mouse trap springs.

15 thoughts on “Hackaday Links: Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

  1. That camera on the glasses is a little weak, if you want to be hard core you’ed put it in your eye socket like this guy!


    Nah, I’m kidding, it’s a good idea, I wonder if you mounted two you could make 3D videos with the videos? And as for that radio telescope, to paraphrase the pineapple can “High in antioxidant vitamin C … AND AWESOMENESS!”

  2. Wow, those logo PCB’s deserved a post of their own, talk about your form and function. Though given they are designed to be waved around and spun(POV) I feel like that corner on the “E” is going to be the first thing to break off on impact.

    1. I was about to say the opposite. Whilst those are indeed well made boards, he’s not *combined* form and function. The top half of the board is the logo. The bottom half is the working PCB. I was expecting the traces to form a logo or something like that.

      I’m not criticising the work though – much nicer than anything I’ve made.

  3. I have that Digital computer book on my hard drive, I’ve wanted to build a full size version (not using paper clips) for years, just not much time to do it these days.

    1. I was deeply unimpressed by the paperclip computer, seeing that it’s just a toy where you flip a switch and a light goes on. It doesn’t actually do anything, except convert decimal to binary and back by a simple drum switch mechanism. You have to work the logic to add or subtract or whatever, and then flip switches accordingly.

      1. Ahh, to be so jaded young grasshopper. If you stop and think about it, your RasPi / Arduino / Latest Hot-Damn Processor, does the same thing. Just faster and smaller. Respect and learn from your ancestors.

        First digital box I ever got to play with (circa 1966) used vacuum tubes rather than paper clips. Big advance, but still took 3 hours to set up a program to find a square root (Using paper tape and Newtons Approximation) and another 20 minutes to spit out the square root of 9.

        Big step forward to punch cards and a mainframe in college.

        1. You misunderstand. The paperclips don’t do anything on their own. The program on the juice can roll, that you turn by hand, simply lights up bulbs that indicate which other paperclip switches you need to flip by hand. It’s not actually a computer or a processor – just a mock-up of one. You’re the actual processor, and it’s simply a learning toy meant to illustrate what digital processors do.

  4. Using the umbrella as a reflector is a great idea. Rather large and parabolic, but can be easily disassembled and folded. Also, mounting your antenna on the center pole is great, because it is very adjustable.
    Plus, the way he did it, you don’t ruin the umbrella.
    I’m probably gonna do this to my old cantenna wifi rig.

    1. Dan: I’m the “owner” of the PI temperature project. My objective was not really to log PI temperature, but set up a how to template on graphing any RasPI date collected or generated to the sen.se site.

  5. The PCB with the logo for protospace was build for the 5th ‘birthday’ of Protospace, our Fablab in Utrecht (sort hacklab/hackerspace). (Protospace created the Ultimaker.) There was a great event, the closes thing to a makerfaire in the Netherlands. I’m still waiting for the pictures… Protospace2013.nl

    The PCB kit is sold for €6,-. When interested, I could try to arrange shipping aroud the world.

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