Gesture Based Security Lock


A team of students from Cornell University are looking into alternative ways of creating a security system that can be locked or unlocked by using physical gestures in an enclosed space.

It is the final year project for [Ankur], [Darshan] and [Saisrinivasan] in their MEng of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The system prototype is capable of recording a gesture and then comparing the gesture with future gestures to lock or unlock the system. Consider it like a secret handshake to get into the office!

To analyze the gesture they are using four SparkFun proximity sensors setup in a linear array to sense the distance a hand is moved. An ATMega1284P is used to convert the analog sensor signal to digital for further processing. The project is extremely well documented, as it appears to be the final report for the project.

A short video after the break shows off the prototype and gives a good explanation of how the system works.

13 thoughts on “Gesture Based Security Lock

      1. This. The number of different hand gestures the average person can invent is probably a fraction of the number of passwords they can invent (and they’re still typing “password” as their bank security code…), I imagine most doors would open by trying half a dozen gestures.

        1. Our project is highly precision based, and after repetitive testing, I can assure one cannot unlock a door without knowing the pattern, let alone given a dozen tries. There has been some threshold given to the user, but the limits are very tightly set.

        2. Your point is valid that the number of patterns may seem limited than the number of passwords.However, like any security system there is going to be a limit on the number of trials allowed. A real time system may sound an alarm or lock the system if an incorrect pattern is tried say 5 times.
          To answer the original question of why such a project, like our inspiration which is a mobile gesture lock, a user can either keep a password or a pattern like this or both.

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