Wearable devices are all the rage in certain circles — looking for a project of his own, [Hector Urtubia] decided to give it a shot with this six-LED necktie.
It used to be pretty hard to make an Internet connected device without spending all your time and effort on making the Internet connection possible — until the Pinoccio came along. It’s a tiny Arduino compatible board which has wireless Internet connectivity built right in. It even comes with a rechargeable battery. If you have experience with Arduino programming, this little guy is a cinch to get running.
The tie itself makes use of six NeoPixels, which are chainable, addressable and current regulating RGB LEDs, which means the entire chain of LEDs only requires 1 digital pin-out on the Pinoccio! [Hector] has even written a library that will extend the Pinoccio’s scripting environment so that the pixels can interact directly from the web or API.
To demonstrate the tie, he decided to hook it up to his MIDI keyboard — enjoy:
For more wearables, an LED dress certainly makes an impression!
New most useless stuff :D
NeoPixels, NeoPixels everywhere I look.
While not a fan of wearable LEDs, the animation and finish (at least on the side without tape holding things together :P) are impressive. It looks good.
That coffee table would be perfect for a NeoPixel display.
Man, how far have you fallen HaD? Where did you pick this up, on the Adafruit site? At least the miniscule number of comments shows this droll still doesn’t get traction here – so far.
I don’t think you know what “droll” means.