The Hackaday 10th anniversary is going great guns. Attendees have already built line following robots with [Adam Fabio], learned lockpicking with [Datagram] and [Jon King]. [Jame Hobson’s] team is building an awesome video game controller. The attendees are currently building LiPo battery chargers. [Todd Black] gave a great presentation on the care and feeding of LiPo batteries. He designed and built a PCB just for this event!
Some familiar faces are on hand, such as [Chris Gammell], [Bil Herd], as well as the entire Hackaday editing team!
Still to come are talks by [Steve Collins], [Quinn Dunki], [Jon McPhalen], and [Thundersqueak].
Want to check out the live view? Click our Hackvision streams!
Happy 10th Hackaday! Looking forward to 10 more!
Awesome. Lucky guys! Happy Birthday.
Really sorry I missed it. Hopefully, next time you have a 10th anniversary party, it won’t be on Yom Kipper.
(or ANY anniversary, for that matter.
can you give some information on those LiPo chargers? Or the presentation about care and feeding of them, AND/or design Todd Black gave? Ok, Yes, I am eager to get knowldedge.