SXSW Create: ATX Hackerspace Area

We had a wonderful time over the weekend at the 2015 SXSW Create. I was really excited to see that there was a very large area set aside for the Hackerspaces of the Austin area and they took full advantage of that. Most notably, ATX Hackerspace who had multiple tables and was drawing a huge crowd.

sxsw-atx-thereminThis table is a good example of the demonstrations on hand. Primarily It’s a collection of ultrasonic theremin. The classic theremin uses oscillator-based sound production (we’ve been running a series on that concept) with a set of antennas that uses your body’s proximity to tweak that signal. This version mimics the user interface but greatly simplifies the skillset needed to produce the instrument by swapping the antenna for an ultrasonic rangefinder and generating the audio digitally. The more astute viewer will have noticed the instrument being held. I neglected to ask about this but it sure looks like a Holophonor which is another great seed idea for your next project. Update: it’s a Hulusi.

sxsw-atx-solderingI do think it’s worth noting that ATX also set aside a lot of table-space for their members to actually work on building projects at the event. We’re big advocates of this rather than simply exhibiting finished projects. It doesn’t really matter what you’re working on; seeing a table covered with interesting parts and tools, being worked on by fun people obviously enjoy each other’s company is the core message of a Hackerspace… right?

I talk with [Gardner] about ATX in the video after the break, and make a quick loop around the display tables.

9 thoughts on “SXSW Create: ATX Hackerspace Area

  1. Maybe I’m just crazy, but why does the first pic remind me of Avenge Sevenfold? Were they at the meet? Was the Deathbat flying around? Did the hackerspace ever get people thinking that they were there (confusing the “ATX” for “A7X”)?

    1. (I’m the guy in the “RUN GCC” shirt in the picture and video above).

      We had a guy show up for “Software Saturday” who had that same confusion at first. But hey, it caught his attention and got him to come check us out, so that worked out for us.

      As far as I know the similarity is just a coincidence. Austin is known for its bat colonies and ATX is short for “Austin, Texas”, hence the logo and name of the hackerspace.

    1. CowOrk?
      To my knowledge few hackerspaces have broached the topic, but early results are impressive

      Not unusual for entrepreneurial and software-focused hackerspaces.
      Workshop-heavy hackerspaces often do the ‘rent a workspace and set it up your way’ thing, which is boss.
      When they they have a *heavy* workshop focus coworking doesn’t always make sense (noise, dust, smoke, etc) but it is certainly a place you can work together, start a business and network.

      Yay variety!

    1. Ren,

      ATX Hackerspace offers a ‘starving hacker’ rate that knocks it down to $40/mo for those that can’t afford it. With 8000 sqft, two laser cutters, a large format 4×8 CNC mill, band saw, sawstop 52″ table saw, a panel saw, three CNC mills, bio/chem lab, craft area, lounge, coworking space and much more… ATX Hackerspace is well worth the $60/mo.

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