Ever wonder how a crystal oscillator works? How does that little metal can with a sliver of quartz start vibrating to produce a clock signal for just about everything we use, while doing it in the accuracy range in the parts per million and cost practically nothing?
Well [Craig] decided its about time for an in depth tutorial that covers everything you need to know to understand, design, and construct your very own. Wrapped up in a 41 minute video, [Craig] covers the absolute basic theories and designs, math, datasheet explanation of crystals, and even a practical example of a Pierce crystal oscillator, suitable for use in a HF transceiver. Now you can make your own for your own application no matter if you’re just trying to save a pin on your favorite micro, or making a radio transceiver.
With this wealth of knowledge, whether you are learning for the first time, or just need a refresher, you should join us after the break, kick back and check out this highly informative video.
Only General and Amateur Extra are licensed to talk on HF in the US, except a narrow slice of 10m, and that is SSB only, also for Novice and Technician class licensed operators, just an FYI
Very nice video by [Craig]. Great instruction, depth and knowledge.
His website has some other great videos that are worth the time:
Much more instructive than the ARRL info.
Very nice video!
Pretty dry – But informative. It does explain why I always used 20pf caps for oscillators, depending on the crystal. Never gave it much thought other than the design specs always called for it.
I remember my Linear Circuits instructor telling us…
“When you build an oscillator, it will amplify, when you build an amplifier, it will oscillate!”