This robot may have the fastest hand we’ve ever seen. It’s only a hand at the moment, but it’s certainly good with it.
The hand comes from a research project out of the University of Washington. The researchers didn’t just want to program the robot to do tricks, they wanted it to learn. Some tasks are just by nature too complex and tedious to program all the details for. Look at all those tendon activators. You want to program that?
The current focus of the robot is twirling a stick. While they’re probably a ways away from a robot cheerleading squad or robot drum major, the task itself is extremely difficult. This can be proven by just how many YouTube videos there are on the art of pencil twirling.
While the video didn’t show the robot dramatically twirling the stick at high speed, it did show the robot rotating it a little bit without dropping it. And this is a behavior that it has learned. For anyone who has ever had a run-in with robotics, or the art of convincing a robot not to discard all the data it collects in order to not run directly into a wall, this is a pretty big achievement. Video after the break.
Robot Cheerleader Needs Just One Hand…
Talk about Click-Bait.
Might be click-bait but I am glad I clicked on it, This is so cool.
Eh, that makes one of us
Im glad I wasnt the only one who saw it gripping a cylindrical object and thought…
HADHandJobBot sounds about right.
NEVER shake hands with a bot at a hackerspace, you know its had dick all over it.
I thought it was another one of these type of devices.
I know it was going to happen.
Another sex-bot. But at least it learns. :)
Just watched the video again. Yeah, sexbot.
Now that’s a robot hand, oh and I’m not going to link to the YouTube Family Guy Star Wars Hot Dog clip, so your welcome.
This got off the rails quickly! The OP is _not_ even anything remotely to do with a sexbot.
I didn’t think you could fail a Rorschach test…
I don’t think you are trying hard enough.
This is very impressive.
Man that hand has a shit ton of actuators, nice result though, there is no denying that.
Came for requisite acknowledgement of quote reference, left disappointed.