A Faster Grave Digger For Your Child

Children love speed, but so few of those electric ride on toys deliver it. What’s a kid to do? Well, if [PoppaFixit]’s your dad, you’re in luck.

This project starts with an unusually cool Power Wheels toy, based on the famous Grave Digger monster truck. During the modification process, it was quickly realised that the original motor controller wasn’t going to cut the mustard. With only basic on/off control, it gave a very jerky ride and was harsh on the transmission components, too. [PoppaFixit] decided to upgrade to an off-the-shelf 24 V motor controller to give the car more finesse as well as speed. The controller came with a replacement set of pedals, both accelerator and brake, to replace the stock units. On the motor side, a couple of beefier Traxxas units were substituted for the weedy originals.

Acceleration is now much improved, not just due to the added power, but because the variable throttle allows the driver to avoid wheelspin on hard launches. It also makes the car much more comfortable and safe to drive, thanks to the added controllability. Another way to tell the project was a success is the look of pure joy on the new owner’s face!

This was a fairly basic install, very accessible to the novice. These sort of electric vehicle hop-ups are commonplace enough that there are a wide variety of suppliers who sell easy-to-use kits for this sort of work. For that reason, we’ve seen plenty of hacks of this sort – like this modified scooter, or these Power Wheels set up for racing.

12 thoughts on “A Faster Grave Digger For Your Child

  1. That other kid in the red jeep looks soo disapointed over his own cars performance. That also needs an upgrade…

    A kid on my street has got a police car. With flashing lights and a siren. Coolest thing ever…

  2. Geartrain sucks on those things. Easily doubled the life span by using variable speed controller. Hard to beat cheap SLA amp hour costs but need to lose crappy OEM trickled charger. Is a battery roaster. Soon as start considering real rubber wheels becomes obvious to dump everything but motors and body. Helmet ?

    1. So how long have you been living under a rock guys? Grave Digger is the Flagship monster truck for the popular “Monster Jam” truck rallies. He isn’t exactly new either considering I’m 38 and my mom used to take me to the shows to see it when I was around 10.

      1. I’ve also never heard of “Monster Jam”. I vaguely remember monster trucks from 20 years ago, I’m surprised they’re still around. Then again I don’t live in the US.

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