3D Printed Parts Make For A Quick Electric Scooter Build

Sometimes, walking even a short distance can grow boring if it’s a part of your regular routine. [Alexandre Chappel] found himself in just such a position, so elected to quickly whip up a scooter to get around on.

The build is very much of the “parts laying around the shop” genre. An old skateboard deck was fitted with nice rubber scooter wheels and a set of handlebars thanks to a series of 3D printed parts. Unfortunately, the first revision had problems with flex in the skateboard deck, which isn’t designed to take the full weight of an adult human standing on one leg. Another skateboard deck was pressed into service, reinforced with a metal pipe for added strength.

From there, [Alexandre] set about creating a front-wheel-drive system using a power drill, several shaft extensions, and a right-angle drive. Clamped to the handlebar tube, the drill’s trigger is controlled via a twist throttle linked up by a string.

It’s not the easiest scooter to ride, with a bit too much torque from a standing start and somewhat scary handling characteristics at times. However, we’re sure with some practice and some tweaks, [Alexandre] will have a useful ride on his hands. If you prefer something wilder, however, consider this walking scooter build. Video after the break.

13 thoughts on “3D Printed Parts Make For A Quick Electric Scooter Build

    1. guessing from the dialect and the outside video i would guess he lives in norway – a country where police don´t have guns and doors are always unlocked. unlikely someone is gonna steal it.

  1. Could go to the grocery store and buy enough to make lunch for several days in a row? Thus avoiding the tedium of having to go every day.

    Obviously, not building the scooter would then not generate enough revenue on YouTube.

      1. Well, we don’t know what he buys. We don’t even know if he really goes to the store every day or that it is or is not only a short distance away.

        All we know is that the cash only rolls in if you keep hold of those eyeballs. Somehow.

        In fact, he probably has people to go to the store for him these days. They’ll be grateful for a battery drill grafted on to a skateboard instead of a Xiaomi scooter I’m sure.

  2. Didn’t watch the video, but i know that some people got badly injured when some cheap electric scooter broke at the angle where the front wheel is and those parts where machined metall. Not sure 3D-printing is a sane thing here…

  3. I love 3D printers. I use mine all the time. To the point where I might get by without a soldering iron better than without it. I also am currently building a scooter.

    …I will not be using my printer for anything structural. In fact I won’t even have a steerable wheel at all(Full tank style drive by wire is way easier to make), but if it did, that’s definitely a critical part that I would not want to be made of anything but really good steel.

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